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How to Buy and Pay for a BoldDesk Subscription


Buying a BoldDesk subscription check out this video tutorial.

To add a payment card for the BoldDesk subscription, follow the given steps:

  1. Go to the Admin page.
  2. Click the Billing and Subscription option.


  1. On the subscription page, select the desired plan category and billing cycle in the Choose Plan section.
  2. After selecting the desired plan category and billing cycle, click the Buy Now option in the desired plan to navigate to the purchase page.



  • If you want to buy a different plan, click the Choose Plan option first to change the plan.
  1. On the purchase page, enter your card and billing details, select the billing cycle, update the agent seat details, and then click the Pay button.


If the entered card has 3D secure enabled, then you will be asked to complete an additional verification step with the card issuer to process the payment. A popup will be shown with an authentication page on the card's bank’s website and requires you to enter a password associated with the card or a code sent to your phone.


After the payment is authorized, the subscription will be started immediately.

Note: While updating the agent seats, you cannot reduce the agents to less than the currently active agents in your subscription. To check the current active agent details, navigate to Admin > Agents. If you want to reduce the agents, then remove the current active agent and try the payment.


Check out this video tutorials for more information.

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