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Set up Slack app for single workspace.


The integration of Slack with BoldDesk allows you to receive instant notifications within chats and channels whenever a ticket is created or edited, a reply is added, or other events occur on the BoldDesk site.

If your organization has an enterprise grid plan, please refer to this Slack app for organization-wide for instructions on configuring the Slack app for use organization-wide.

The following events are supported:

  1. Ticket creating
  2. Ticket property update
  3. Reply added to a ticket
  4. Public note added to a ticket
  5. Private note added to a ticket
  6. Adding Satisfaction feedback
  7. Deleting ticket permanently

Plan limit

Features Scale Growth Enterprise Essential Pro Business
Channel limit 10 10 25 10 10 25

How to Install and Configure Slack

To integrate Slack with BoldDesk, follow these five steps:

  1. Install Slack in BoldDesk
  2. Add BoldDesk app to Slack channel
  3. Configure and manage Slack notification
  4. Install Slack for Agent notification

    Check out this video tutorial.

Step 1: Install Slack in BoldDesk

Follow the given steps to install Slack,

  1. Sign into BoldDesk.

  2. Click Admin -> Marketplace.

  3. Search and select the Slack.


  4. Click on the ‘Install’ option to set up Slack. This will direct you to the Slack Login page.


  5. Enter your Slack workspace or organization domain.


  6. Enter your Slack username and Password.


  7. After successfully logging into Slack, you will be redirected to the BoldDesk login page.

  8. Enter BoldDesk domain and click submit.


  9. Enter the BoldDesk credentials and click the Sign In option.


Step 2: Add BoldDesk app to Slack channel

  1. Select a channel where you want to install BoldDesk App.
  2. Enter ‘/add apps to this channel’ slash command. Then select the action item as shown in the screenshot below. This will redirect to manage app directory.


  1. Select BoldDesk app and click Add.


Step 3: Configure and manage Slack notification

To configure the Slack channel notification on the BoldDesk site, follow the given steps:

  1. Go to Admin -> Marketplace. Click on Edit.

  2. Click Add New Notification

  3. Enter the Slack notification’s name

  4. Select the Notify Assignee option to notify the agent directly

  5. Select the Notify Channel and then specify the Team and Channel to which the notification should be sent.

  6. Choose necessary Custom Fields for getting information with slack notifications.
    Note : You can choose up to 10 custom fields for each Slack notification.


  7. Select events and condition to receive notification and click the Save option.


Step 4: Install Slack for agent notification

This step is only for agents who wish to receive notifications directly in their chat. In this case, Agents must authorize their Slack and BoldDesk accounts to receive these notifications.

Follow the steps below to directly receive the notification to the agent:

  1. Enter the Slack command (/sign-in).


  2. Click Sign In button.


  3. Enter BoldDesk domain and click submit.


  4. Enter the BoldDesk credentials and click the Sign In option.

  5. Once you have successfully logged into BoldDesk, you will receive a notification.


Slack Notification

Here’s an example of a Slack notification:


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