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Managing App Permissions and Visibility


App Permissions

The Permissions tab allows you to control access to integrated applications within your organization by configuring write access, read access, and brand-based permissions.

Configuring Write Access

  • Enable write access for all roles – Enabling this setting grants all roles with permission to read and modify content within the application.
  • Restrict write access to specific roles – To limit access, disable this option and select the roles that should have write permissions.

Configuring Read Access

  • Enable read access for all roles – Enabling this setting provides all roles with permission to read the content within the application.
  • Restrict read access to specific roles– To limit visibility, disable this option and choose the roles that should have permission.

    Note: This section appears only if write access is disabled. Either read or write access must be configured.

Brand-Based Permissions

  • Enable access for all brands – Enabling this option permits all brands to use the application and its features.
  • Restrict access to specific brands – To limit access, disable this setting and select the agent brands that should have permission to use the application.

    Note: Brand-specific permissions will only be applicable to multiple accounts, including WooCommerce, Shopify, and Stripe.

Target Modules

  • Enabling this option ensures that the application is visible in specific modules, such as Tickets, Contacts, Contact Groups, and Chat, based on the needs of your organization.
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