Contact Group Profile
Contact group is used to group related contacts. You can also consider the contact group as a company where the contacts are the employees working under the company.
The contact group profile page displays information about a specific contact group such as mapped contacts, number of pending tickets, and more.
Viewing a contact group profile
To view a contact group, follow the steps below:
- Go to the Contact Groups module.
- Click the contact group’s name or go to the more options menu on the right and choose View Profile.
- The View in ticket filter option navigates to the ticket module, where you can view the tickets for the selected contact group in ticket list page.
Information on contact group profile
The contact group profile displays the following:
- Contact group’s name
- Description if any
- Total number of contacts mapped
- Total number of pending tickets
- The total number of on hold tickets
- The total number of closed tickets.
Note: Some information is displayed in the tab structure.
Details Tab
Details tab shows the contact group’s information entered when the contact group was created. For example, Contact Group Name, Created Date, Domain and more.
Tickets Tab
Ticket tab shows the overall tickets associated with the contact group.
Contact Group History
The contact group history tab displays overall contact groups’ profile changes. For the following cases history will be logged:
- When creating a contact group.
- When editing the contact group.
Contacts Tab
Contact tab shows all the mapped contacts and the ticket access scope associated with the contact group.
Note: When View all Tickets is disabled, you can only see your own tickets that are associated with the contact group.
Adding contacts to a contact group
Adding contacts to a contact group can be accomplished in two ways namely:
- Adding existing contacts
- Adding a new contact
Adding existing contacts
To add existing contacts, follow the steps below:
- Open the Contact group profile page.
- At the top right, click the Add contact button.
- Select Existing to open a dialog box.
- Select the contacts and click the Add button.
- The selected contacts will be listed. Before you save, you can remove the contacts and change the ticket access scope.
- Click the Save button to add the contacts.
Adding a new contact
To add a new contact, follow the steps below:
- Open the Contact group profile page.
- At the top right, click the Add contact button.
- Click New option to add the new contact.
- Select the contacts group you wish to add the new contact and click the Add button.
Removing a mapped contact
To remove a mapped contact, follow the steps below:
- Go to the Contact group profile page.
- Select the Contacts Tab.
- Click the remove button as highlighted to open a dialog box.
- A confirmation dialog box will appear. Select the Yes option to remove the contact.
Changing the ticket access scope
To change the ticket access scope, follow the given steps:
- Go to the Contact group profile page.
- Select the Contacts Tab.
- Toggle the switch button.
Note the following while changing the ticket access scope:
- If checked, the end user can see all the tickets associated with the contact group.
- If unchecked, the end user can only see their own tickets associated with the contact group.
Deleting a contact group
To delete a contact group, follow the steps below:
- Go to the Contact group profile page.
- At the top right, click the Delete Forever button.
- A confirmation dialog box will appear. Select the Yes, Delete option to delete the contact group.
Note: Only the contact group will be deleted. The associated contacts will not be deleted.
Accessing or deleting contact group
To access or delete the contact group, you must have the following permission enabled:
- View contact group.
- Delete contact group.