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Linking Jira Issue with BoldDesk Ticket
How to link Jira issue with ticket?
Link the tickets with existing Jira issues by searching the issue key, which allows you to access issues details within BoldDesk. Linking helps the support team stay up to date with the progress of the customer-reported issues.
Checkout this video for more details.
Follow the given steps to create a connection between a Jira issue and the BoldDesk ticket:
Navigate to the ticket to be linked and click Apps in the left sidebar. And open the Jira Software app.
Click Link Task and type the Jira issue key and click search. The matched issue will be displayed.
- Select the issue to link with the ticket.
- The linked issue will be displayed as shown in the following.
- After linking the Jira issue, you can see more details by clicking the respective issue card.
How to unlink Jira issue from ticket?
- Click the Unlink option in the respective linked issue to remove connection between the Jira issus and ticket.
- Select the Unlink button to confirm.