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Operators and Their Use Cases


The dropdown menus provide a variety of operators that can be used to filter records.
The operators that are available will vary depending on the field you select.


When the “Is” operator is selected, you can only select one value in the value field.

This filter will fetch only the records that are assigned to the agent William.

is operator.png

Is not

When the “Is not” operator is selected, you can only select one value in the value field.

This filter will fetch the records that are not assigned to the agent William.

is not.png

Is empty

When the “Is empty” operator is selected, this filter will only fetch the records that have no agent assigned.

is empty.png

Is not empty

When the “Is not empty” operator is selected, this filter will only fetch the records that have an agent assigned to them.

is not empty.png


When the “In” operator is selected, you can select multiple values in the value field.

This filter will only fetch the records that are assigned to any of the agents in the selected values.


Not in

When the “Not in” operator is selected, you can select multiple values in the value field.

This filter will fetch the records that are not assigned to any of the agents in the selected values.

not in.png


You can use the “Between” operator to filter tickets by date range.

This filter will fetch the records that were created between the two dates that you specify.


Relative date

The “Relative date” operator can filter the tickets based on the specific time. Using this filter, you can filter the tickets in past and future time periods.

In the following image, the filter will only show the records that were created within a certain time period, such as the past hour, day, week, month, or year.

relative date 1.png

relative date 2.png

You can also use the “Relative date” to filter the tickets by future time periods.

relative date 3.png

relative date 4.png

Greater than

When you select the “Greater than” operator, you can enter a date in the value field.

This filter will fetch the records where the “Created on” date is later than the date you specify.

Greater than.png

Less than

When you select the “Less than” operator, you can enter a date in the value field.

This filter will fetch the records where the “Created on” date is earlier than the date you specify.

Less than.png


You can use the “Last” operator to fetch the records that were created within the last number of days, months, or years.



When you select the “Contains” operator, you can enter the text you want to search for in the value field.

This filter will fetch the records that contain the text you specify.


Does not contain

When you select the “Does not contain” operator, you can enter the text you want to exclude in the value field.

This filter will indicate the records that do not contain the text you specify.

Does not contain.png

Starts with

When you select the “Starts with” operator, you can enter the text you want to search for in the value field.

This filter will show the records that start with the text you specify.

starts with.png

Ends with

When you select the “Ends with” operator, you can enter the text you want to search for in the value field.

This filter will only fetch the records that end with the text you specify.

ends with.png

Not starts with

When you select the “Not starts with” operator, you can enter the text you want to exclude in the value field.

This filter will fetch the records that do not start with the text you specify.

not starts with.png

Not ends with

When you select the “Not ends with” operator, you can enter the text you want to exclude in the value field.

This filter will indicate the records that do not end with the text you specify.

not ends with.png

In Group

When you select the “In Group” operator, you can select only one value in the value field. Using this filter, tickets can be filtered by group members.
Applying the filter Agent “In Group” support will show tickets assigned to any agents within the support group, instead of just showing tickets specifically assigned to the support group.


These are some sample fields and values. You can add your own fields and values as much as you need.

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