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Multilanguage Knowledge Base Article


Purpose: It is essential for users to create and view articles in their native language. BoldDesk gives you the ability to develop knowledge base articles in various languages.

In this article, we will demonstrate how to effectively utilize a multilingual knowledge base.

Checkout this video for more details.

Turn on the multi-language feature:

Follow the given steps to turn on the multi-language feature:

  1. Click Admin Module > Move to the Settings section > Select Language.

Language Settings.png

  1. In the General tab, set the Primary/default language for your portal.
  2. Click the toggle button to enable multi-language support.
  3. Select the Add Language to add supported/additional languages.

Add Language.png

You cannot change the primary language after you have enabled multilanguage support. All articles created earlier (in any language) will now be show under the primary language.

Translate Category

Follow the given steps to translate an article’s category:

  1. Go to KB Module > Select Manage Article.
  2. At the top-right corner of the article details page, click the Language drop-down menu and select a preferred Language.
  3. Choose the required category and click the Edit option.

Category Translate Edit.png

Translate Category.png

You can only edit the category name and description when you translate the article to another language.

Translate Section

Follow the given steps to translate the article section:

  1. Go to KB Module > Select Manage Article.
  2. At the top-right corner of the article details page, click the Language drop-down menu and select a preferred Language.
  3. Choose the specific category and click the Edit option.

Note: You can only edit the section name and description when you translate the article to another language.

Section Translate.png

Translate Article

To translate a knowledge base article, follow the given steps:

  1. Go to KB Module > On Articles Page.
  2. Click the article you wish to translate and open the Article Details page.
  3. Click the Language tab on the right end of the article details page.
  4. A list of supported languages with the Translate option appears. You can translate the article to any of the supported languages.

Article Translate option.png

  1. On clicking the Translate option, the translate view page will appear. You can translate an article by adding the following details:
    1. Title
    2. Description
    3. Tag(s)
    4. Status
    5. Status indicator
    6. SEO

Translate Article.png

You can perform the following actions to the translated articles.

  1. Edit, update, or delete the articles.
  2. Separately add comments to the articles.
  3. Add feedback to the translated article

Note: You can add feedback to the translated article in the customer portal.

History will be stored using the primary language.

Publish Translated Article

You can publish the translated article Individually. There are two methods to publish an article that has been translated.

Click the Edit option and publish the article (or) Change the Status in the article details page.

Edit Article.png

Status change.png

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