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File Attachment Limits and Solutions for Large Files


Currently, there is no restriction on the number of files you can add, but there are limits on the total size of all files combined. Each individual file should not exceed 20 MB. However, when attaching multiple files, the total size must not exceed 10 MB.

File Size Limit Scenarios

  • Single File Attachment: You can attach one file up to 20 MB.
  • Multiple File Attachments: Ensure the combined size does not exceed 10 MB.


  • Case 1:

    • File_1 (5MB) + File_2 (5MB) = 10MB (Valid)
  • Case 2:

    • File_1 (7MB) + File_2 (5MB) = 12MB (Only one file is valid)
  • Case 3:

    • File_1 (7MB) + File_2 (5MB) + File_3 (2MB) = 14MB (File_1 and File_3 are valid, File_2 is rejected)

Handling Larger Files

Currently, there is no option to increase the file size limit. For files exceeding 20 MB, consider using external storage solutions such as:

  • OneDrive
  • Google Drive
  • DropBox

Additional Resources

For more information on uploading files and using external storage, refer to the following articles:

By understanding these guidelines, you can effectively manage your file attachments and utilize external storage when necessary.

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