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How to reorder ticket fields in the ticket details page?


In the tickets details page, the mentioned system fields configuration comes with default settings.
These default system settings cannot be edited, and no option to reorder them. Other fields, other than the mentioned fields, can be reordered.

  1. Status
  2. Assignee
  3. Response Due
  4. Resolution Due
  5. Tags
  6. Visibility
  7. CC

If Agent can edit is unchecked, the field will only appear as a read-only field on the ticket detail page.


Removing the “Type” field from the ticket form

If you do not want the field Type, you can completely remove it from the ticket form.
Once the field is removed from the ticket form, it will not be visible on the tickets detail page. Additionally, other system fields cannot be removed from the ticket form.


Related articles

  1. How to Manage Fields and Forms?
  2. How to reorder ticket form fields?
  3. How to Dynamically Show or Hide a Field in a Form using Field Display Conditions?
  4. Customizing ticket form based on brand.
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