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Adding KB Articles to Multiple Brands


When setting up a new category for KB articles catering to multiple brands, it’s important to organize content for the appropriate audience access. One way to achieve this is by associating knowledge base articles with multiple brands using categories. Here’s a guide on creating a new category for KB articles and linking it with multiple brands.

Step 1: Create a new category

To begin, navigate to the knowledge base module in your content management system.

Go to KB module > Create > Category.


Step 2: Select brands

Within the category creation screen, you will find an option to associate the category with different brands.

Choose the necessary brand from the dropdown menu.


By selecting the relevant brands from the dropdown menu, any article that is later linked to this category will automatically be made visible under all the brands you’ve chosen.

Step 3: Link articles to the category

Once the category is created and associated with the desired brands, you can start linking articles to this category. Any article linked to the category will automatically inherit the brand associations, ensuring that the article is accessible under each selected brand.

To learn more about categories in the knowledge base, click here.

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