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An Overview of Support Monitoring Chat Dashboard


The Support Monitoring Chat dashboard allows you to track the current status of live chat conversations. This dashboard visualizes data from both the live chat and new conversations statistics.

This helps to identify the busiest time of the day by monitoring the new conversations over a specific time period. With this data, the support team is able to analyze customer feedback and enhance productivity.


Overview statistics widget

The overview stats widget provides the following metrics:

Metrics Description
Unsolved Conversations Displays the total number of conversations in the Pending and Snoozed status categories.
Snoozed Conversations Displays the total number of conversations in the Snoozed status category.
Available Agents Displays the total number of live chat available agents in the Organization.


Selecting time period

You can check the chat statistics and the new conversations details for a specific time period by choosing any of the following values.

Relative dates

The following are the predefined relative date range:

  • Today
  • Yesterday
  • Last 7 Days
  • Last 30 Days
  • Last 90 Days

Time period for chat statistics and new conversations widgets


Time period for busiest time of day widget


Applying filters

Filters are used to visualize data in all the widgets to check for the new conversations and the busiest time of the day. For example, you can check the details of a particular category or brand alone during the specific time period.

Using brand filter

Use the All Brands dropdown list near the Date Range at the top-right corner to filter the result based on the selected brands. By default, the brand preference selected in the Personal Settings will be applied.


Using advanced filter

  1. Click the Filters icon at the top-right corner to open the filter panel.
  2. Choose the required condition and click Apply.


Note: The relation between the selected fields will be considered as “And” when the multiple fields are selected.


Chat statistics widget

The chat stats widget has the following metrics:

Metrics Description
New Conversations Displays the number of conversations created over a specific time period.
Resolved Conversations Displays the number of conversations in the Closed status category over a specified time period.


New Conversations widget

This widget displays the number of new conversations compared to each item in the selected group over a specific time period.

Supported Group by Fields: Brand, Category, Country, Priority, Source, Status, Status Category

Supported Charts: Bar Chart, Column Chart, Line Chart, and Grid View


Busiest time of day widget

This widget is used to identify the busiest and idlest times of the day based on the selected metrics over a specific time period.

Supported Group by: New Conversations

Supported Charts: Heat Map


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