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How to Manage Canned Response


Canned responses are a pre-written set of response templates or messages for the frequently asked questions in the support tickets. Agents can create or use the canned responses in their support tickets. The canned response page consists of a list of all the canned responses. The information about the owner, access scope, and the usage count can be found on this page.

Creating a canned response

To create a canned response, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate through the Agent Portal > Admin Module > Canned Responses.
  2. Click the Add Canned Response option to create a new canned response.
  3. Enter the required Titleand Description for the canned response. Select the Access Scope and Category from the dropdown menu and then click the Add button to add a new canned response.
    Add Canned Response.gif

Note: Admins have permission to create public canned responses visible to everyone. Others can create private canned responses visible to only who created it.

Using placeholders in description

  1. Navigate through the Agent Portal > Admin Module > Canned Responses.
  2. Click the Add Canned Response option.
  3. Click Insert Placeholders for a dialog box to appear.
  4. Place a mouse cursor in the description where you want to insert.
  5. Select and click the required placeholders to insert at the appropriate position in the description.
    Canned response_Placeholder.gif

In the above gif, two placeholders are used in the contents listed below.


Note: While using these canned responses in the ticket, the actual requester and agent name will be replaced dynamically.

Editing canned response

To edit a canned response, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate through Agent Portal > Admin Module.
  2. Click the Edit icon to edit the required canned response.
  3. Edit the required details and click the Update button.
    Canner response_Edit.gif

Changing the owner of a canned response

To change the owner of a canned response, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate through Agent Portal > Admin Module.
  2. Click the Navigator icon.
  3. Click the Change Owner option for a dialog box for changing the owner to be displayed.
  4. Select the required agent and click Update to change the owner.
    Canned response_Changing owner.gif

Deleting a canned response

To delete a canned response, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate through Agent Portal > Admin Module.
  2. Click the Navigator icon.
  3. Click on the Delete option for a dialog box to be displayed.
  4. Click on the Yes, Delete button to delete the canned response.
    Canned response_delete.gif

Adding a new category for canned responses

To add a new category for canned responses, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate through Agent Portal > Admin Module.
  2. Click the Add Category icon to add a new category.
  3. Enter a name for the category and click the Add button to create a new category.
    Canned response_add new category.gif

Editing a category

To delete a category, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate through Agent Portal > Admin Module
  2. Click the Edit Category icon to edit the category name.
  3. Enter the required name for the category and click the Update button to change the category name.
    Canned response_Edit category.gif

Deleting a category

To delete a category, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate through Agent Portal > Admin Module.
  2. Click the Delete Category icon to edit the category name for a dialog box to be displayed.
  3. Click on Yes, Delete button to delete a category.
    Canned response_deelte category.gif

Note: When deleting a category all the canned responses under that category will also be deleted permanently.

Searching for a canned response

You can search for the canned response using the listed options below,

  1. Enter the search text in the search box and press enter key.
  2. Search for a canned response under a particular category by changing the category through the dropdown menu.
    Canned response_Search.gif

Note: To manage Canned responses, Agents must have Manage Canned Response permission enabled.


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