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Manage Agent Access with BoldDesk Permissions


BoldDesk provides a robust and flexible set of permissions to manage agent access across various modules. This article explains the available permissions, their associated child permissions, and their functionalities within each module. These permissions can be customized for both custom and system roles, except the default ‘Account Owner’ role.

For more additional guidance on managing roles and permissions in BoldDesk, check the following article.

Ticket module permissions

Here are various ticket module permissions along with their descriptions.

Permission Description
Create ticket via agent portal Grants permission to create through the agent portal.
Reply ticket via agent portal Allows agents to reply to tickets through the agent portal.
Reply ticket via email Enables agents to reply to a ticket through email. If this permission is disabled, their email replies will be added as private notes instead of public comments.
View and edit tickets Allows agents to edit tickets within their access scope without restrictions. If this permission is not granted, agents can view tickets but cannot update them unless they are the assigned agent.
Edit ticket fields Enables editing of ticket fields, with the following multi-selectable child permissions:
    1. Edit subject: Required to edit the ticket subject.
    2. Edit requester: Required to update the ticket requester.
    3. Edit assignee: Required to change the ticket assignee.
    4. Edit priority: Required to adjust the ticket priority.
    5. Edit resolution due: Required to modify the ticket resolution due date.
    6. Edit CC: Required to update ticket CCs.
    7. Edit other fields: Required to edit additional fields, such as Status, Category, Type, Visibility, Tags, and Custom fields. To set a ticket’s status to "Close, ‘Allow agent to change ticket to close status’ permission must also be enabled.
Bulk edit all fields This permission necessary to execute bulk edit operations on multiple tickets.
Allow agent to use macros This permission is required for an agent to use macro triggers in tickets.
Allow agent to change ticket’s brand This permission is required for an agent to change a ticket’s brand. The Edit other ticket fields’ permission should be also enabled.
Allow agent to change ticket to close status An agent can change a ticket’s status to closed. The Edit other ticket fields’ permission should be also enabled.
Allow agent to reply to or edit closed ticket Permission that is required for an agent to reply to or edit a closed ticket.
Create new tags for ticket Allows an agent to create new tags for tickets. The Edit other ticket fields’ permission should be enabled.
Remove tag from ticket This permission is required for an agent to remove tags from tickets. The Edit other ticket fields permission should also be enabled.
Forward ticket Permission that is required for an agent to forward a ticket or its updates to other users.
Edit or delete other user’s worklog This permission enables an agent to edit or delete worklogs added by other users. There is no restriction on editing or deleting work logs by the current user.
Skip mandatory fields configuration for worklog fields Permission that is required to skip mandatory fields configuration for ticket worklog fields.
Add or remove other users as watcher You can add or remove other agents as the watchers to the tickets.
Add new contact at the time of ticket creation An agent can create a new contact (requester) when creating a ticket on their behalf.
Create ticket views An agent can create custom ticket views, which includes the following single-selectable child permissions:
    1. Private: An agent can create custom ticket views with private access.
    2. Private and Group: Enables you to create custom ticket views with private access and group access.
    3. Private, Group and Public: Allows you to create custom ticket views with global access.
Edit public comments in ticket This permission requires you to edit public comments in tickets, which includes the following single-selectable child permissions:
    1. Own comments: This permission is required for an agent to edit their own comments in tickets.
    2. Own or any agent’s comments: This permission enables an agent to edit their own comments as well as comments added by other agents in the tickets.
    3. Own, any agent’s or any customer’s comments: This permission is required for an agent to delete their own comments, as well as comments added by other agents and customers in tickets.
Edit private notes in ticket This permission is required to edit private notes in tickets, which includes the following single-selectable child permissions:
    1. Own notes: This permission is required for an agent to edit their own notes in tickets.
    2. Own or any agent’s notes: This permission is needed for an agent to edit their own notes as well as notes added by other agents in tickets.
Delete public comments in ticket This permission allows agents to delete public comments in tickets, including public replies and notes. However, users in the customer portal can still delete their own comments, regardless of this permission. The following single-selectable child permissions are included:
    1. Own comments: This permission is required for an agent to delete their own comments in tickets.
    2. Own or any agent’s comments: This permission is needed for an agent to delete their own comments as well as comments added by other agents in tickets.
    3. Own, any agent’s or any customer’s comments: This permission is needed for an agent to delete their own comments, comments added by other agents, and comments added by customers in tickets.
Delete private notes in ticket This permission is required to delete private notes in tickets, which includes the following single-selectable child permissions:
    1. Own notes: This permission required for an agent to delete their own private notes in tickets.
    2. Own or any agent’s notes: This permission allows an agent to delete their own private notes as well as private notes added by other agents in tickets.
Delete files uploaded in ticket This permission enables agents to delete files uploaded in tickets. However, in the customer portal, users can delete their own uploaded files regardless of this permission. The following single-selectable child permissions are included:
    1. Own uploaded files: The permission required for an agent to delete their own uploaded files in tickets.
    2. Own or any agent’s uploaded files: This permission is needed for an agent to delete their own uploaded files as well as files uploaded by other agents in tickets.
    3. Own, any agent’s or any customer’s uploaded files: This permission enables an agent to delete their own uploaded files, files uploaded by other agents, and files uploaded by customers in tickets.
Lock or unlock ticket This permission is required to lock or unlock tickets, which includes the following single-selectable child permissions:
    1. Own locked tickets can be unlocked, but locked tickets cannot be edited: Users can unlock tickets they have locked. However, they cannot edit locked tickets.
    2. Own locked tickets can be unlocked, and locked tickets can be edited: This permission allows users to unlock tickets they have locked and make edits to those locked tickets.
    3. Anyone’s locked tickets can be unlocked, and anyone’s locked tickets can be edited: Users can unlock tickets locked by anyone and make edits to those locked tickets.
Share ticket An agent can share a ticket with selected groups.
Merge tickets An agent can merge multiple secondary tickets into a primary ticket.
Export ticket An agent can export the selected tickets as an Excel or CSV file.
Manage ticket spam An agent can mark a ticket as spam or remove a ticket from spam.
Manage ticket deletion This permission allows an agent to temporarily or permanently delete tickets and recover temporarily deleted tickets.
Manage ticket suspension An agent can manage suspended emails, recover the first suspended email as a ticket, and treat subsequent replies as ticket replies. The agent must also have the “Global” ticket access scope to use this support.

Chat module permissions

The following are various chat module permissions and their descriptions to look into:

Permission Description
Reply chat conversation via agent portal With this permission, an agent can reply to a chat conversation through the agent portal.
Edit chat fields This permission is required to edit the chat fields, which includes the following multi-selectable child permissions:
    1. Edit assignee: This permission is required to edit the assignee of a chat conversation.
    2. Edit priority: This permission is required to edit the priority of a chat conversation.
    3. Edit other fields: This permission allows you to edit other fields of a chat conversation, such as status, category, tags, and custom fields. To change the status to “Closed,” the Allow to close conversation permission must also be enabled.
Allow to close conversation This permission is required for an agent to close a conversation. The Edit other chat fields permission must be also enabled.
Allow agent to reply or edit closed conversation With this permission, an agent can reply or can edit a closed conversation.
Create new tags and add for conversations An agent can create and add new tags for chat conversations. The Edit other chat fields permission must aslo be enabled.
Remove tags from conversations With this permission, an agent can remove tags from chat conversations. The Edit other chat fields permission must also be enabled.
Edit public messages This permission is required to edit public messages in chat conversations, which includes the following single-selectable child permission:
    1. Own messages: This permission is required for an agent to edit their own messages in chat conversation.
         2. Own and any agent’s messages: This permission is needed for an agent to edit their own messages as well as messages added by other agents in chat conversations.
3. Own, any agent’s or any customer’s messages: This permission is needed for an agent to edit their own messages, messages added by other agents, and messages added by customers in chat conversations.
Edit private notes This permission is required to edit private notes in chat conversations, which includes the following single-selectable child permissions:
    1. Own notes: This permission is required for an agent to edit their own private notes in chat conversations.
    2. Own or any agent’s notes: This permission is needed for an agent to edit their own private notes as well as private notes added by other agents in chat conversations.
Delete public messages This permission is required to delete public messages in chat conversations, which includes the following single-selectable child permissions:
    1. Own messages: This permission is required for an agent to delete their own messages in chat conversations.
    2. Own or any agent’s messages: This permission is needed for an agent to delete their own messages as well as messages added by other agents in chat conversations.
    3. Own, any agent’s or any customer’s messages: This permission is needed for an agent to delete their own messages, messages added by other agents, and messages added by customers in chat conversations.
Delete private notes This permission is required to delete private notes in chat conversations, which includes the following single-selectable child permissions:
    1. Own notes: This permission is required for an agent to delete their own private notes in chat conversations.
    2. Own or any agent’s notes: This permission is needed for an agent to delete their own private notes as well as private notes added by other agents in chat conversations.
Export conversation An agent can export the selected chat conversation as a text file.
Email conversation transcript This permission is required to email conversation transcript, which includes the following multi-selectable child permissions:
    1. Email transcript to self: With this permission, an agent can email a conversation transcript to the self.
    2. Email transcript to requester: With this permission, an agent can email a conversation transcript to the requester of the chat conversation.
Manage conversation spam With this permission, an agent can mark a chat conversation as spam or can remove a chat conversation from spam.
Manage conversation deletion This permission allows an agent to temporarily or permanently delete chat conversations and recover temporarily deleted chat conversations.

Activity Module Permissions

The following are various activity module permissions and their descriptions.

Permission Description
View all activities This permission enables an agent to view all activities. If disabled, the agent can only view activities they have created, activities assigned to them, and activities where they have been added as watchers.
Create activity views This permission is required to create custom activity views, which includes the following single-selectable child permissions:
    1. Private: This permission is needed to create custom activity views with private access.
    2. Private and Group: This permission is needed to create custom activity views with private access and group access.
    3. Private, Group, and Public: This permission is needed to create custom activity views with global access.
Edit activity comments This permission is required to edit comments in activities, which includes the following single-selectable child permissions:
    1. Own comments: This permission is required for an agent to edit their own comments in activities.
    2. Own or any agent’s comments: This permission is needed for an agent to edit their own comments as well as comments added by other agents in activities.
Delete activity comments This permission is required to delete comments in activities, which includes the following single-selectable child permissions:
    1. Own comments: TThis permission is required for an agent to delete their own comments in activities.
    2. Own or any agent’s comments: This permission is needed for an agent to delete their own comments as well as comments added by other agents in activities.
Delete files uploaded in activity This permission is required to delete files uploaded in activities, which includes the following single-selectable child permissions:
    1. Own uploaded files: This permission is required for an agent to delete their own uploaded files in activities.
    2. Own or any agent’s uploaded files: This permission is needed for an agent to delete their own uploaded files as well as files uploaded by other agents in activities.

Knowledge base module permissions

The following are various knowledge base module permissions and their descriptions.

Permission Description
Create article With this permission, an agent can create a KB article.
Edit article This permission allows an agent to edit knowledge base articles and includes following multi-selectable child permissions for applying additional restrictions:
    1. Edit title: This permission allows an agent to edit an article’s title.
    2. Edit description: This permission allows an agent to edit an article’s description.
    3. Edit tags: This permission allows an agent to edit an article’s tags.
    4. Edit author: This permission allows an agent to change an article’s author.
    5. Edit SEO: This permission allows an agent to edit the SEO content of an article.
    6. Review articles: This permission allows an agent to review the articles.
    7. Publish/unpublish article: This permission allows an agent to publish/unpublish the article.
    8. Edit other fields: This permission allows an agent to edit other KB fields such as Category, Section, Allow Comments, Visible To, Status Indicator, and Article Expiry.
Delete article This permission allows an agent to delete a knowledge base article, either temporarily or permanently.
Restore article This permission allows an agent to restore temporarily deleted articles.
Restore version This permission allows an agent to restore a previous version of an article.
Category This permission allows an agent to add, edit, and delete article categories, with following multi-selectable child permissions for applying additional restrictions:
    1. Add: This permission allows an agent to add a new article category.
    2. Edit: This permission allows an agent to edit the article categories.
    3. Delete: This permission allows an agent to delete the article categories.
Section This permission allows an agent to add, edit, and delete article sections, with following multi-selectable child permissions for applying additional restrictions:
    1. Add: This permission allows an agent to add a new article section.
    2. Edit: This permission allows an agent to edit the article sections.
    3. Delete: This permission allows an agent to delete the article sections.
Comment This permission allows an agent to add and delete comments on articles, with following multi-selectable child permissions for applying additional restrictions:
    1. Add: This permission allows an agent to add new comments to articles.
    2. Delete: This permission allows an agent to delete comments from articles.
Private note This permission allows an agent to add and delete private notes on articles, with following multi-selectable child permissions for applying additional restrictions:
    1. Add: This permission allows an agent to add new private notes to articles.
    2. Delete: This permission allows an agent to delete private notes from articles.
Template This permission allows an agent to add, edit, and delete article templates, with following multi-selectable child permissions for applying additional restrictions:
    1. Add: This permission allows an agent to add a new article template.
    2. Edit: This permission allows an agent to edit the article templates.
    3. Delete: This permission allows an agent to delete the article templates.

Contacts module permissions

The following are various contacts module permissions and their descriptions to look into:

Permission Description
View contact This permission allows an agent to view contacts and visitors. It also includes following multi-selectable child permissions for applying additional restrictions:
    1. Create or edit contact: With this permission, an agent can create or edit a contact.
    2. Impersonate contact: An agent can impersonate a contact.
    3. Merge contact: With this permission, an agent can merge multiple secondary contacts into a primary contact.
    4. Block or unblock contact and can delete or mark as spam associated tickets and chats: This permission lets an agent to block or unblock a contact and mark the associated tickets and chat conversations as spam. To use this feature, the agent must have the ticket access scope set to Global and, if chat is enabled, the chat access scope set to Global as well. Additionally, the agent must have access to all brands.
    5. Delete or restore contact and can delete or mark as spam associated tickets and chats: This permission allows an agent to delete or restore a contact and mark associated tickets and chat conversations as spam. To use this feature, the agent’s ticket access scope must be set to Global, and if chat is enabled, their chat access scope must also be set to Global. Additionally, the agent must have access to all brands.
    6. Delete contact permanently: With this permission, an agent can delete a contact permanently.
    7. Export contact: With this permission, an agent can export contacts to Excel or CSV files.
View contact group Allows an agent to view contact groups. It also includes following multi-selectable child permissions for applying additional restrictions:
    1. Create or edit contact groups: With this permission, an agent can create or edit a contact group.
    2. Delete contact group: With this permission, an agent can delete a contact group.
    3. Export contact group: With this permission, an agent can export contact groups to Excel or CSV files.
Create views This permission is required to create custom contact views, which includes the following single-selectable child permissions:
    1. Private: The permission needed to create custom contact views with private access.
    2. Private and Group: The permission needed to create custom contact views with private access and group access.
    3. Private, Group and Public: This permission is needed to create custom contact views with global access.
Delete files uploaded in contact This permission is required to delete files uploaded in contacts, which includes the following single-selectable child permissions:
    1. Own uploaded files: This permission is required for an agent to delete their own uploaded files in contacts.
    2. Own or any agent’s uploaded files: This permission is needed for an agent to delete their own uploaded files as well as files uploaded by other agents in contacts.

Reports module permissions

The following are various reports module permissions and their descriptions.

Permission Description
Create views This permission is required to create custom report views, which includes the following single-selectable child permissions:
    1. Private: This permission is needed to create custom report views with private access.
    2. Private and Group: This permission is needed to create custom report views with private access and group access.
    3. Private, Group and Public: This permission is needed to create custom report views with global access.
Manage scheduled report This permission allows an agent to add, edit, or delete scheduled reports. It includes the following single-selectable child permissions to provide additional restrictions:
    1. Own scheduled report: This permission enables an agent to manage their own scheduled reports.
    2. Own or any agent’s scheduled report: This permission enables an agent to manage all scheduled reports.
View tickets report With this permission, an agent can view the Support Monitoring Dashboard, Support Traffic Dashboard, Ticket Conversation Report, and Ticket Metrics Report.
View SLA dashboard An agent can view the SLA dashboard.
View agent or group performance dashboard With this permission, an agent can view the agent or group performance dashboard.
View contact dashboard With this permission, an agent can view the contact dashboard.
View customer satisfaction report With this permission, an agent can view the customer satisfaction report.
View worklog report An agent can view the worklog report.
View activity dashboard Enables an agent to view the activity dashboard.
View knowledge base dashboard An agent can view the knowledge base dashboard.

Approval module permissions

The following are various approval module permissions and their descriptions.

Permission Description
View all approvals This permission allows an agent to view all approvals; if disabled, they can only view their own approval requests, approval requests assigned to them, and approval requests linked to tickets they are assigned to.
Can create approval request With this permission, an agent can create approval requests.
Add own name to the approval request This permission allows an agent to assign themselves as the approver for an approval request.
Can add/remove approver from any approval request This permission lets an agent add or remove approvers from any approval request. If disabled, they can only manage approvers for their own requests, assigned requests, or requests linked to tickets they are assigned.
Can cancel any one approvals This permission allows an agent to cancel any approval requests. If disabled, they can only cancel their own requests, requests assigned to them, or requests linked to tickets they are assigned to.

AI Features module permissions

The following are various AI feature module permissions and their descriptions.

Permission Description
Al Copilot This permission enables agents to effectively address customer inquiries by leveraging Al Copilot to provide automated suggestions for customer queries.
Summarize Ticket This permission allows an agent to use the AI feature to summarize a ticket, providing a concise overview of the ticket’s objective and the customer’s sentiment by analyzing intent and tone.
Rephrase, correct grammar, elaborate and shorten This permission allows an agent to use the AI feature for text modifications, including rephrasing, grammar correction, elaboration, and text shortening, helping agents craft clearer, more concise, and customer-friendly responses.
Translate content This permission allows agents to assist customers in their native language using the AI translation feature, regardless of region or language differences.
Summarize KB This permission enables agents to summarize knowledge base articles using Al.
Generate KB SEO attributes This permission allows agents to generate SEO attributes, such as meta title and meta description, for knowledge base documents using AI, improving visibility on search engines.
Generate KB Articles This permission enables agents to create a knowledge base article using Al by simply providing a description of the desired content.

Admin module permissions

The following are various admin module permissions and their descriptions.

Permission Description
Manage fields and forms This permission allows an agent to manage fields and forms for tickets, contacts, or contact groups, along with their dependencies.
Manage views Allows an agent to manage ticket views, including access to all ticket views (private views included), activating or deactivating views, and changing the ownership of those views.
Manage canned response This permission enables an agent to manage ticket and chat canned responses, including access to all canned responses (private ones included), adding or deleting responses, and changing the ownership of those responses.
Manage ticket templates This admin permission allows an agent to manage ticket templates, including access to all templates (private templates included) and the ability to add or delete public and group-shared templates.
Manage email notification and templates Allows an agent to manage email notifications and their templates, including the ability to enable or disable notifications for specific events and modify the email templates.
Manage tags Allows an agent to manage tags across all modules, including creating new tags, removing tags from selected modules, and permanently deleting tags.
Manage knowledge base Allows an agent to manage knowledge base redirection rules, including creating, editing, and deleting redirection rules.
Manage auto assignments Allows an agent to manage auto-assignment rules, including creating, deleting, activating, and deactivating rules.
Manage create and update triggers Allows an agent to manage ‘Create Triggers’ and ‘Update Triggers’ for automation, including creating, deleting, activating, and deactivating rules.
Manage time triggers Allows an agent to manage ‘Time Triggers’ for automation, including creating, deleting, activating, and deactivating rules.
Manage macros Allows an agent to manage ticket macro triggers, including creating, deleting, activating, and deactivating them.
Manage work schedules Allows an agent to manage work schedules, including configuring business hours and managing the holiday list.
Manage agent shifts Allows you to manage agent shifts, including adding, editing, and deleting shifts.
Manage SLA Allows an agent to manage SLAs, including creating, deleting, activating, and deactivating them.
Manage agents Allows an agent to manage other agents’ access scopes, including adding, editing, and activating or deactivating agents.
Manage groups Allows an agent to manage groups (teams), including adding, editing, and deleting groups, adding or removing agents from groups and configuring auto-assignments for agents within the group.
Manage roles and permissions This permission allows an agent to manage roles and permissions, including creating, editing, deleting, cloning roles, and controlling the permissions for each role.
Manage agent availability status This permission allows an agent to manage availability statuses for Help Desk and live chat, including adding, editing, sorting, and deleting statuses, as well as changing the availability status of other agents.
Manage settings This admin permission allows an agent to manage settings such as general settings, agent portal, customer portal, AI features, satisfaction surveys, and language settings.
Manage brands This admin permission allows an agent to manage brands, including adding, editing, and deleting brands, modifying brand configurations and signatures, setting a default brand, and activating or deactivating brands and their customer portals.
Manage webhooks This admin permission allows an agent to manage webhooks, such as adding, editing, activating or deactivating, and deleting webhooks.
View audit logs This admin permission allows an agent to view audit logs in the admin module, including activity, access, webhook failure, integration failure, email failure, omnichannel failure logs, and blocked email recipients.
Manage import This admin permission allows an agent to import data from files, including contacts, contact groups, agents, groups, tickets, and their history logs.
Manage apps This admin permission allows an agent to manage apps in BoldDesk, including installing or uninstalling, adding, editing, activating, or deactivating both marketplace and custom apps.
Manage billing and subscription This admin permission allows an agent to manage billing and subscriptions for BoldDesk, including upgrading plans, cancelling subscriptions, increasing agent counts, updating billing addresses, payment methods, and handling invoices.

Profile module permissions

The following are various profile module permissions and their descriptions.

Permission Description
Manage API keys This permission allows an agent to create, disable, or revoke API keys for REST APIs.
Allow the agent to change the availability status This permission allows an agent to update their Help Desk availability status and includes the following single-selectable permissions for additional restrictions:
    1. Any status except offline: This permission allows agents to change their Help desk availability status to any status, except ‘offline’ status.
    2. Any status: This permission allows agents to change their Help desk availability status to any status.
Allow the agent to change the chat availability status This permission allows an agent to update their chat availability status and includes the following single-selectable permissions for additional restrictions:
    1. Any status except offline: This permission allows agents to change their chat availability status to any status, except ‘offline’ status.
    2. Any status: This permission allows agents to change their chat availability status to any status.
View other agents This permission allows an agent to view other agents. If disabled, the agent will not be able to see the names or email addresses of other agents in dropdown lists across the portal.
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