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How to Use the Original Sender as Requester for Forwarded Email Tickets


In some cases, your support agents may have direct contact with your customers; as a result, they will send support email requests to the agent directly rather than to your support inbox.

The agents will then forward those emails to the registered support email address in order to create a ticket. When you forward an email, the sender becomes you rather than the original sender. Typically, the process generates a ticket with your name as the requester. Admin can, however, control whether the ticket is created directly under the original sender or under the agent who forwarded it by using this option.

The agent who forwarded this email will be automatically added as a CC to the newly created ticket for further tracking.

This option is enabled by default; however, you can change it to suit your needs.

Follow these steps to enable this setting:

  1. You will need an admin account to enable these settings.
  2. Go to Admin> Support Emails > Configurations.
  3. Enable the Use the original sender as requester for forwarded emails.

Configuration Tab

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