Articles in this section
Category / Section

Get Started With Knowledge Base



A knowledge base is a self-service portal and central repository of information for your customers and employees. They can use it to get answers to inquiries that are frequently posed about the good or service.

The categories of knowledge base are as follows:

Public knowledge base is publicly available data, which can be used to write user document for your products. It results in higher agent productivity, a drop in ticket issuance, and quicker problem resolution which leads to happy customer.

Few use cases are,

  1. Write how-to documents
  2. Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Internal knowledge base is private data for the employees within your organization. It helps to improve the internal knowledge sharing and collaboration which leads to servers the customer better.

Few use cases are,

  1. Training materials for your onboard employees
  2. Sharing knowledge within your team

Checkout this video for more details

Agent portal

The BoldDesk Knowledge Base software helps to categorize, create, and manage the articles. In knowledge base, the contents are organized as follows:

  • Category
  • Section
  • Article


Category is the root level folder for organizing the articles which will be displayed in the knowledge base home page. The following details can be filled:

  1. Add name and description.
  2. Choose icon.
  3. Sort the category.
  4. Select the brand to which the category should be visible.
  5. Select the visibility to control public or private article.

Add Category

  1. You can create nested sections under each category by click plus icon in the category as shown:

Add New Section

  1. And click and New Section and the following details can be filled.

    • Name
    • Description
  2. By clicking Add button, the section will be added under the category. This helps to create hierarchical structures of folder to better organize your content. 4 levels of nested sections are supported.

  3. To learn more about organizing your knowledge base, click here.

View Permission

The categories and articles are assigned with different levels of view permission. This helps to create public and private or internal knowledge base. The following are the supported view permissions:

Any Users The articles are publicly visible to all users.
Logged-in Users The articles are only visible to logged-in users.
Any Agent The articles are only visible to agents.
Specific Content Group Users with selected contact group assigned can view the articles.
Specific Agent Group Users with selected group assigned can view the articles.


An article can be added under categories and its sections. Hover the category or section you want to add article and click on plus option and click on New Article

New Article

And click on the New Article, to open the page as shown:

Add Article

The following details can be filled:

  1. Title
  2. Description
  3. Select category and section
  4. Option to enable comments
  5. Select visibility option
  6. Select tags
  7. Set the date when the article needs to stop showing in portal
  8. Set status indicator
  9. SEO meta data

Users can create categories and sections based on their need and place the articles. Under the manage article section, can move sections and articles between categories or change the position of categories and sections.

Manage Article

Article Views

Under the Articles section the predefined views are available. The supported filets are,

  1. All Articles
  2. My Articles
  3. In Draft
  4. My Review
  5. In Review
  6. Approved
  7. Published


Using this quickly we can navigate to article list based on its status. Also using Filters option, we can filter based on assignee, author, tags etc…

Workflow process

Knowledge base supports the workflow process that helps in the review and approval of the articles. This helps multiple teams work together, to create the article and make them publicly available to customers. The following are the possible statuses:

  1. Draft
  2. In Review
  3. Approved
  4. Publish
  5. Unpublish

Send to Review

Customization of self-service portal

When you sign-up for BoldDesk, the customer view of self-service portal will be disabled by default. You can enable the module under the Customer Portal knowledge section as shown below:


The following are the basic customization of the knowledge base portal:

  1. Banner color
  2. Banner welcome text
  3. Enable satisfaction feedback
  4. Basic article configuration
  5. SEO

Self-service portal (Customer portal)

The self-service portal is the place where a user may search for and find the information they need. The articles will be accessible in this site after they have been published.

The categories will be displayed in the home page as shown:

Self-service Portal

User can search all the published articles using the search bar. And can directly navigate through to the category by clicking the category card to view the articles under that category.

Article Lists

You can also click on the article to view the article details page and the article details screen as shown:

Article Details

In this page, options to navigate to other articles under this section or category are:

  1. Table of contents (lists the headers in this article for quick navigation)
  2. Related articles (lists the related articles by matching tags)
  3. Recent articles (list the recently created articles)
  4. Add comment and feedback

Article Comments And Feedback

Roles and permission

The following are the knowledge base roles and permission:

Roles Permission
Agent Create categories and section Create an article
Support Manager Support Administration Account Owner Create categories and section Create an article Approve article Publish an article

Note: You can create custom role and assign the permission based on your need.

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