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Formatting Article Content with Markdown Editor


BoldDesk allows you to format the articles using the following options that are available in the Markdown editor.

  • Text formatting
  • Strike
  • Blockquote
  • Line
  • Insert Table
  • Insert Image
  • Insert Code
  • Insert File
  • Insert Video
  • Insert Link
  • Fullscreen
  • Alert Box

Checkout this video for more details.

Text Formatting

You have the option to make the text bold, italicized, or underlined. You can include bullets and numbers. To apply different font styles for sections of the content, select the text you would like to change, and choose the required font style from the drop-down to apply the changes to the selected text.

Text Format


You can either add (~~) before and after the content, as shown in the screenshot below, or use the Strike tool on the toolbar to add a strike line. The Preview button on the toolbar allows you to view the preview as well.


Strike Preview


To add the blockquote in the article, click the Blockquote tool on the toolbar or add (>) before the content you want to include.


BlockQuote Preview


Click the Line tool on the toolbar or enter (***) in the article’s content to add a horizontal line between the paragraphs.


Line Preview

Insert Table

Use the Insert table toolbar option to select the number of rows and columns you need in the table grid and insert the table into the content.


To add a table, use three or more hyphens (—) to create each column’s header, and use pipes (|) to separate each column. For compatibility, you should also add a pipe at the end of the row.


Table Preview

Insert Image

Click on the Insert Image tool on the toolbar to open a dialog box. Then, select the image from your local computer by clicking the Choose a file button, and then insert the image in the article.

Inset Image

Select the URL tab in the insert image dialog to insert the image URL.

Insert Image URLI

Insert Code

To insert the code blocks in the article, select the Insert Code option in the toolbar or enter backticks (“`). The code block is highlighted with background.

Insert Code

To add syntax highlighting, specify a language next to the backticks before the code block.

Insert Code

The output will be as shown:

Insert Code

Insert File

Click on the Insert File tool on the toolbar to open a dialog box. Then, select the file from your local computer by clicking the browse option, and then insert the file in the article.

Insert File Icon

Insert File Page

Insert Video

Click the Insert Video tool on the toolbar to open a dialog box. Enter the YouTube video URL and click insert to insert the video in the article.

Insert Video Page

You can adjust the height and width of the YouTube video frame.



The video’s recommended height and width are shown below:
Height = 315
Width = 560

Insert Link

Click on the Insert link tool on the toolbar to open the insert Link Dialog. The dialog has the following options:

Insert Link Tool

URL Page

Option Description
URL Type or paste the destination for the link you are creating.
Link Text Type the required text that you want to display text for the link.


The Fullscreen tool stretches the editor to the maximum width and height of the browser window.

Full Screen

Alert Box

The markdown editor has the option to add the following alert boxes:

Options Description
Info Box It helps to highlight the info message in the article.
Warning Box It is used to add warning message in the article.
Error Box It is used to add an error message in the article.

Alert Box

Alert Box Preview

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