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Knowledge Base Self-Service Portal Configuration


In BoldDesk, you can configure the Knowledge base Self-Service portal. Based on this configuration you can manage your customer portal by showing efficient and useful information.

Checkout this video for more details.

Follow the given step to configure the knowledge base in the customer portal:

  1. Select the Admin Module in the left panel.
  2. Choose the Customer Portal under Settings and
  3. Click Knowledge Base.
  4. Choose the brand you want to configure in your customer portal in the dropdown.

Enable KB

You can enable or disable the Knowledge Base for Self-Service Portal.

Enable KB Option

Note: If you disable the Knowledge Base, customers will not have access to the knowledge base module within the customer portal.

KB Home Configuration

This section is used to customize the following items in the Self-Service portal home page,

  1. Banner Heading

  2. Banner Description

  3. Banner Background

    • Background Color
    • Background Image
  4. Popular Articles

  5. Portal Visibility


It affects the below-highlighted areas,


Portal Visibility Option:

The customer portal’s user visibility is determined by the portal visibility option

These are the visibility options,

  • All Users - All users have access to the customer portal
  • Logged-in Users - Only users who are logged into the customer portal can access it

Article Configuration

Article configuration is used to configure the article page with the following:

  • Author Name
  • Published Date
  • Last Update Date
  • Table of content
  • Related Articles
  • Recent Articles
  • Articles in the same category or section
  • Exclude Agent View count on Article
  • Article Tags
  • Status Indicator
  • Share Option
  • Estimated Read Time
  • Comments


It affects the below-highlighted areas,


Satisfaction Feedback

When Satisfaction Feedback is enabled, it allows you to get feedback from the customer for an article.


When the user provides the feedback, the below details will be collected based on the options configured above,

Satisfaction Negative Feedback Popup


In Search Engine Optimization (SEO), you can see your Self-service portal Sitemap URL and configure the Change Frequency.


To learn more about Knowledge Base Self-Service Portal Overview, click here.

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