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How to Automatically Assign Tickets?


Auto assignment rule routes the incoming tickets to a specific team/group in the organization based on ticket attributes.
It uses Round-robin logic to distribute the tickets evenly among the agents in a group.

The following are some of the benefits of the auto-assignment rule:

  1. Assists automatically assigning tickets to agents, saving supervisors or coordinators time.
  2. Checks the availability of the agents before making an assignment so that assigning tickets to an unavailable agent can be avoided.
  3. Prevents an agent from being overloaded, by equal distribution.
  4. Prevents agents from cherry-picking the tickets.
  5. Finally, it reduces the waiting time of customers.

Creating an auto assignment rule

Follow the given steps to create an auto assignment rules:

  1. Select the Admin module.
  2. Choose Auto Assignment from the Automation menu.
  3. Click Add Rule.
  4. Enter the rule name and description on the create rule screen.
  5. Choose the required fields from the list to frame a condition for determining the tickets to which the rule will be applied.
  6. Click Add new condition to include a new condition.

Auto Assignment Condition.png

  1. Click Next and select the group you wish to route the ticket to.

Assign To Group & Watcher.png

  1. Add Watchers if you need to notify others in the organization.
  2. Click Update to save the rule.

Auto Assignment Rule.png

Note :

  • The rule will be executed when a ticket is created or updated.
  • For the assignment, one active and available agent from the given group will be chosen.
  • The rule will not be triggered if a group/agent is already assigned to the ticket.
  • The the first matching rule will be applied to a ticket.
  • You have the option to move the rules to a different position.

Refer the below video to know more about auto assignment,

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