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How to Include Previous Ticket Conversations or Replies in Email Notifications


The default email notification only includes the latest message/response of the ticket conversation. If there are previous messages in the conversation, the recipient should always click on the ticket link in the notification to view the entire conversation.

You can use the “recent public comments” placeholders in your email notification template to include the last N messages/responses in the email notification. This article provides instructions on how to include previous ticket conversations or replies in notification emails.

Including previous conversations in email notifications

Follow the given steps below to include previous conversations in email notifications:

  1. Go to Admin > Email Notification and select the Email Notification event that needs to be configured.
  2. Go to Templates list, click the More Options button and select the Edit option.
  3. Select the Insert Placeholders option to include the placeholders in the template description.
  4. Select Recent public comment that is {{ticket.recent_public_comments}} placeholder to return the recent comments in plain text (or)
    Formatted Recent public comments that is {{ticket.recent_public_comments_formatted}} placeholder to return the recent comments in a formatted design in the email.


Please watch this instructional video.

An example of plain text


An example of a formatted design.


The placeholder will give recent 20 public comments in the email notification.

In BoldDesk, email conversation support has been already provided. However, you should use the same email subject for each conversation. If you have different subjects, such as ticket create and update event, they will not be considered as a thread.

By default, auto threading may not work for all email clients. For some email clients, the “show as conversation” option must be enabled.

Show as conversation option in outlook.png

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