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How to Add a New Custom Activity Type


In this article, you will learn how to add a new activity type.

Check out this video tutorial for more details.

To add a new custom activity type, follow the given steps:

  1. Go to the Admin module > Activity field.
  2. Click the Type field on the activity fields list page and you will be redirected to the configuration page.
  3. Add the new custom activity type in the text box under the Dropdown Option Values section.
  4. Click the Add button to add the new custom type (default Task type) which will be created with default from configuration.

Note: If there are multiple values, use a comma to separate them. A maximum of 10 activity types can be added including the default Forward activity type.

Add custom task type activity.gif

Editing activity type

To edit the activity type, follow the given steps:

  1. Select the activity type you want to edit and click the Setting icon > Edit option to open a textbox.
  2. Make your changes as shown in the following.
    Edit activity type.gif

Deleting activity type

To delete an activity type, follow the given steps:

  1. Click the Settings icon and select the Delete option to open a confirmation dialog box.

  2. Click the Yes, Delete button to delete the activity type.

    Note: By deleting an activity type, the activities associated with this activity type will be permanently deleted.

Delete activity type.gif

Permission for adding a new activity type

To add a new custom activity type, an agent should have the Manage fields and forms permission assigned to his or her role.
Refer to this article to learn more about Roles and Permissions.


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