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How to Set Up Load-Based Assignments Using an Auto-Assignment Trigger


To streamline and control the number of tickets a user can handle at any given point of time, we have introduced load-based assignments in BoldDesk.

This system assigns ticket to an agent based on their designated load, leading to an optimized auto-assignment process for support tickets.

Some benefits of the agent-load system include:

  • Load-based assignments: By distributing tickets based on load, the system ensures that agents handle a reasonable number of tickets at any given time. This prevents overloading and allows agents to focus on providing quality support.
  • Balanced workload: Load-based assignments help maintain a balanced workload across agents. It ensures that no single agent is overwhelmed with too many tickets, leading to better efficiency and reduced stress.
  • Improved response times: When agents handle an optimal number of tickets, they can respond promptly. This results in faster resolution times and better customer satisfaction.
  • Enhanced productivity: By preventing ticket overload, the agent-shift system allows agents to work efficiently. They can prioritize tasks and manage their workload effectively.
  • Reduced burnout: Overloading agents can lead to burnout and decreased job satisfaction. The system helps prevent this by ensuring a manageable workload. 

Check out this video tutorial for more details.

How to set agent load?

To set the "Agent Load", please follow the steps below:

  1. Go to the "Admin" module

  2. Click on "Agent Load" option under the "Users and Permissions" menu.

  3. The agent limit can be adjusted between 0 to 100. The global ticket limit can be changed at the top of the "Agent Load". When the individual limit of agents is 0, the global limit will be applied and the global agent limit will be 10 by default. Set the desired global and individual limit as per the business requirement.

  4. Once the limit is set, click on "Auto Assignments" under the "Ticket Automation" option in "Admin" module.

    The below screen will be shown, which lists all the available rules.

    To add a shift, click on “Add Rule”. The screen below will appear.

  5. Enter the "Rule Name" and the "Description". Choose the condition(s) for your rule.

  6. Choose the "Assignment Mode" as "Round Robin (Load based)" to assign tickets based on load.

  7. Click on "Update" to save the rule.



  • The set agent limit will be applicable across groups in which the agent belongs.

  • The agent should not be in "Offline" category.

  • The ticket will only be assigned to the group if the agent limit is reached.

  • A backlog queue for assignment will be triggered for the tickets assigned to the group in the following scenarios:

    • An agent is added to the group.

    • An agent changes status to "Available" or "Away" category.

    • The agent limit increases.

    • The status of a ticket which was assigned to an agent in the group changes.

    • A ticket which was assigned to an agent in the group changes to "Customer Waiting" category or "Closed" category.

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