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How to Remove Applied Styles from Content


When using canned responses, ensure the content remains readable and compatible with different themes, such as light and dark modes. Styles applied to text, such as font colors, sizes, and other formatting, can sometimes cause readability issues when switching between themes.

To remove the applied styles from content within canned responses follow the given steps:

  1. Log in to the Agent Portal and navigate to the Admin Module.
  2. Within the Admin Module, find and click on Canned Responses.
  3. Search for the specific canned response you wish to edit that contains the styled content.
  4. In the canned response editor, highlight the content that you want to modify.
  5. Look for the option to clear the text format. This option is typically represented by a clear formatting icon (often a T with a strikethrough or an eraser icon).
  6. Click the Clear Format option to remove any applied styles from the selected content.


  1. After clearing the text format, ensure to save the changes made to the canned response to preserve the unstyled content.

Note: To ensure consistency and readability, you can clear any applied formatting (e.g., colors, fonts) by using the ‘Clear Formatting’ option in the editor toolbar when copying and pasting content.

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How to Manage Canned Response

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