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How to Modify the "Knowledge Base" Title Text in the Customer Portal
You can change the text of the title “Knowledge Base” in the customer portal by pasting the following custom JS codes.
To do this, go to Admin > Customer Portal > Customization.
Custom JS code
Here are the custom JS codes.
(function () {
var locale_code = orgSettingsList.IsMultiLanguageEnabled ? `${locale + "/"}` : ''
var kb_ele_en_US = document.querySelectorAll(`a[href="/${locale_code}kb"] span[data-title], a[href="/${locale_code}kb"] .tab-text`)
if (kb_ele_en_US.length > 0) {
kb_ele_en_US.forEach((ele) => {
ele.setAttribute('data-title', 'FAQs')
ele.innerText = 'FAQs'
(function () {
if (document.querySelector(`#mobile_kb_tab`)) {
var kb_tab = document.querySelector(`#kb_tab`);
kb_tab.innerText = 'FAQs';
if (document.querySelector(`#mobile_kb_tab`)){
var mobile_kb_tab = document.querySelector(`#mobile_kb_tab`);
mobile_kb_tab.innerText = 'FAQs';
mobile_kb_tab.classList.add("mobile-view", "p-33");
Pasting the custom JS codes
To learn where to paste the above custom JS codes, refer to this article.