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How to Configure Scheduled Reports

Scheduled report

                    Scheduled reports automate report delivery at set intervals, ensuring timely and consistent distribution of critical information. This feature eliminates manual report generation and distribution, improving efficiency and productivity.

Benefits of scheduling a report
  • Accessibility: Delivers reports directly to intended recipients, making information easily accessible.
  • ConsistencyAutomated scheduling guarantees that reports are generated and delivered on time, providing a consistent flow of information without manual effort. This ensures reliable and regular report delivery.
  • TimesavingAutomating report generation saves employees time and effort by eliminating manual compilation and distribution, allowing them to focus on more strategic tasks.
  • Improved accuracy: By automating the process, the likelihood of human error is reduced, ensuring data integrity and accuracy in the reports.

How to create a scheduled report

Follow the given steps to create a scheduled report,
  1. Go to the Report module and click the Schedule Report option at the right corner

  2. A page will display a list of Scheduled Reports.

  3. To add a scheduled report, click Add Scheduled Report. The following screen appears.

    1. Enter the "Scheduler Name" and "Description" fields.

    2. Choose the Scheduler Mode for your export: Basic or Custom Mode.

  4. Select the option applicable to your requirement. You can refer to this article for further information.
  5. Enter email addresses in the CC field to send copies for transparency and information. A maximum of 48 CCs can be included.

  6. Choose the time zone you want to use, and the format for that time zone will be applied to your settings.

  7. Click the Next button to select filter conditions.

  8. Click the Next button to choose the fields you want in your report and Click on Add to save your Scheduled Report.

  9. Let the scheduled report trigger at the designated time. If tickets meet the set conditions, the file will be returned in Excel/CSV format in a email. After the export is completed, the export status will be shown in the history tab, and a download link will be provided. The customer can also download and review the ticket based on permissions and view the scheduled report.

  10. If the number of tickets matched is 0, then the history tab will show a 'Failed Case' with the status 'Unknown Error'.

  11. The download link in the email and history tab will be valid for seven days.

  12. The Scheduler will proceed to the next scheduled run based on its mode and frequency selected.

Accessibility in scheduled reports

  1. With the 'Own scheduled report' permission, only your scheduled report data will be visible. You will not be able to view or download reports scheduled by other agents.

  2. With "Own or any agent's scheduled report" permission, you can read all data from the scheduled reports. You will have access to all reports that have been scheduled.

A scheduled report must be set to trigger at least 15 minutes from the current time in the selected time zone. The report will stop once the given end date is reached.
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