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Link Asana task with BoldDesk Ticket


How to link an Asana task with a ticket

Link tickets with existing Asana tasks by searching for the task ID, which allows you to access task details within BoldDesk. Linking helps the support team stay up to date with the progress of the customer-reported task.

Follow the steps below to create a connection between the Asana task and the BoldDesk ticket:

  1. Navigate to the ticket to be linked and click Apps in the left sidebar, then search and open the Asana app.
  2. Click Link Asana Task.
  3. Enter the Task ID and click Search.
  4. Select the Task to link with the ticket.
  5. The linked task will be displayed as shown in the following image

How to unlink an Asana task from a ticket

  1. Click the Unlink option in the respective linked task to remove the connection between the Asana task and the ticket.
  2. Select the Unlink button to confirm.
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