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How to Activate, Deactivate or Delete a Help Widget


Deactivating a Help Widget

To deactivate a help widget, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to the Widgets module.
  2. Click on the more option menu and select Deactivate for a confirmation dialog to appear.

Deactivate Option.png

  1. On the confirmation dialog, click on Yes, Deactivate button.

Yes Deactivate Button.png

Note: The deactivated widgets will be displayed in the inactive category.

Inactive Navigation Bar.png

Activating a Help Widget

To activate a help widget, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to the Widgets module and select Inactive tab.
  2. Click the more option menu and select Activate for a confirmation dialog to appear.

Active Tab.png

  1. In the confirmation dialog, click on Yes, Activate button.

Deleting Help Widget

To delete the help widget, follow the given steps below:

  1. Go to the Widgets module.
  2. Click the more option menu and then select Delete for a confirmation dialog to appear.

Delete Tab.png

  1. In the confirmation dialog ,click on Yes, Delete button.

Note: The widget will be permanently deleted, and you cannot restore it.

For activating, deactivating, or deleting a widget, an agent should have the Manage settings permission assigned to his/her role. Refer to this article to know more about Roles and permission.

Manage Settings Permission.png

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