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Logging Time Spent on a Ticket


Agents can log the time spent on each ticket using the Add Worklog option available on the ticket details page. A ticket can have multiple worklogs by the same or different agents.

Checkout this video for more details

Field details

Field Name Comment Is Required
Date Start date of work Yes
Time Spent Time spent on a ticket Yes
Billable Yes/No No
Description Description of work No

Add Worklog Option.png

Alternatively, you can use the Quick Action menu in the Ticket Card/List view page to log work.

Quick Action Menu.png

After adding a worklog, it will be listed under the Worklog tab. The options to edit/delete the worklog are available.

Worklog Tab.png

Note: To edit or delete a worklog added by other agents, an agent should enable the Edit or delete other user’s worklog permission.

Permissions Page.png

Check out this video tutorial for more details.

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