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How to Mark and Remove Tickets as Spam


The spam action includes the following two functionalities:

  • Mark a ticket as spam
  • Remove a ticket from spam

Marking a ticket as spam

Mark as Spam feature allows you to change a ticket’s status to Spam and optionally block the associated requester. Follow the step-by-step procedure to perform this action.

  1. Open a ticket, click the More Options icon (⋯) and select Mark as Spam as shown in the following image.
  2. Enable the Block associated contact checkbox if you want to block the ticket requester and click the Mark Ticket as spam button. This action will block the requester from creating or accessing tickets and conversations. Additionally, all existing tickets and conversations will be marked as spam.

Marking multiple tickets as spam

This feature allows users to mark multiple tickets as spam at once, saving time and improving efficiency. Follow the step-by-step procedure to perform this action.

Only a maximum of 100 tickets can be marked as spam in a single action.

  1. To select all tickets on the page, check the Select All box at the top left. Alternatively, check the specific tickets you want to mark as spam.
  2. After selecting the tickets, click the Mark as Spam option at the top of the list page.
  3. Enable the Block associated contact checkbox and click the Mark Ticket As Spam button. This action will block the requester from creating or accessing tickets and conversations. Additionally, all existing tickets and conversations will be marked as spam.

    The tickets that are marked as spam will be listed on the Spam Tickets page.

Removing tickets from spam

The feature allows you to remove tickets from spam and unblock the associated requester. Follow the step-by-step procedure to perform this action.

  1. Open a spam ticket and select the Remove from Spam option at the top left corner of the details page.
  2. Enable the Unblock/restore associated contact checkbox and click the ** Remove from Spam** button. This action will restore blocked contacts, tickets, and conversations. However, conversations and tickets that were initially marked as spam will not be restored.
  • Only a maximum of 100 tickets can be removed from spam in a single action.

Removing multiple tickets from spam

This feature removes multiple tickets from spam at once for convenience purposes. Follow the step-by-step procedure to perform this action.

Only a maximum of 100 tickets can be removed from spam in a single action.

  1. To select all tickets on the page, enable the Select All box at the top left, or choose the specific tickets you want to remove from spam.
  2. After selecting the tickets, click the Remove from Spam option at the top right corner of the list page.
  3. Enable the Unblock/restore associated contact checkbox and click the Remove from Spam button. This action will restore blocked contacts, tickets, and conversations. However, conversations and tickets that were initially marked as spam will not be restored.


Tickets will be removed from the spam folder and will be accessible on the ticket list page.

Permission for spam action

  1. To perform spam actions on tickets, you must enable the Manage ticket spam in the Ticket module, as indicated in the following image.


  2. To block/unblock contacts during spam actions, you must have the following permission enabled in the Contact module.


How to set ticket page count to the maximum number of tickets for spam action

  1. Click the Profile icon at the top right corner and select the View Profile and Settings option.
  2. Navigate to General > Ticket Page Count option and set it to 100. Click Update to finalize the process.

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