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How to Enable and Post Comments to an Article?
Comments help to collaborate with the article’s author and other users who are participating in comments. It can be utilized to ask queries about the article’s content, seek more information, or add replies to the responses given to earlier queries.
Follow the given steps to enable comments for an article:
- Navigate to Admin module > Settings > Customer Portal.
- Click the Knowledge Base tab and choose the brand to which you want to enable comments.
- Click the Show Comments checkbox under the article configuration to enable comments on articles.
- Click the Update option to save the changes.
Additionally, you must select Allow Comments in the agent portal when creating the article as shown:
How to add comment or reply to an article?
Follow the given steps to add a comment to an article:
- Open the article you want to add the comment.
- Scroll down on the article to the comment section as shown:
- Type the comment and click the Update option to save the comment.
- Click the Reply shown below the comment to provide reply for an existing comment.
How can the agent reply to the comment from agent portal?
Follow the given steps to add a reply to the customer’s comments:
- Select the KB module on the left menu.
- Open the article you want to add a reply.
- Choose the Comments tab and click Reply.
- Enter the message and click Reply.
The message will be added and displayed under the article comments section as shown:
To learn about adding feedback to an article, refer to this article.