Setting Up and Collecting the Article Feedback
The feedback option helps you to receive feedback from the knowledge base readers. This feedback is utilized to improve the contents and provide a better readable and understandable solution for the problems.
Setting up feedback
The feedback option is disabled by default and you can enable it from the customer portal setting.
Check out this video tutorial learn how to set up article feedback.
Follow the given steps to enable the feedback option:
- Click Admin module > Settings > Customer Portal.
- Click the Knowledge Base tab .
- Choose the brand to which feedback is to be enabled.
- Scroll down and click the Enable Satisfaction Section option.
Follow the given steps to configure the feedback option:
- Choose the info message for the feedback.
- Choose the feedback type from the provided options.
- Rename the labels of the feedback type if necessary.
- Add common use case message options from which the feedback can be categorized.
- Add an appropriate message on successfully updating feedback for the article.
- Click the Update option to save the changes.
Adding feedback
Follow the given steps to add feedback to an article:
Navigate to an article that is visible and published in the self-service portal.
Scroll down on the article to the feedback section at the bottom as shown:
- If the user provides positive feedback, the response is saved and success message is shown as follows:
If the user provides negative feedback, the following information is collected from the user:
- Appropriate message option from the provided options to choose negative feedback.
- Additional comments on improving the article.
- If the user views the article anonymously then the email is collected as mandatory.
Click the Submit option to save the feedback.
After submitting negative feedback, a ticket is created in respective brand (If you configured when creating category).
Where to view the article feedback?
Follow the given steps to view the article feedback:
- Click the KB module in the left menu.
- Choose the article under the Articles section.
- Click the Feedbacks tab on the article details page.