Category / Section
How to Write Articles With Code Blocks
The code blocks are used to highlight the codes across the entire article.
How to use the code blocks
Follow the given steps to insert the code block on Markdown or WYSIWYG,
- Choose the Insert Code from the Markdown or WYSIWYG Editor toolbar.
In Markdown:
- Select a language identifier for your code block to enable syntax highlighting in a different language.
- Enter or copy the code into the dialog box, then click Insert.
- Add a blank line before and after code sections in the editor to improve the readability of raw formatting.
Note: If you are not sure about the exact language identifiers, choose “Others”. It will automatically identify styles based on the relevant code.
How to change the highlighted language in the WYSIWYG editor
- Select the Edit icon by drifting over the code block in the WYSIWYG editor.
- Choose a different language identifier and click Update.
Supported highlight languages
Language | Identifiers |
1C | 1c |
ABNF | abnf |
Access logs | accesslog |
Ada | ada |
Arduino (C++ w/Arduino libs) | arduino, ino |
ARM assembler | armasm, arm |
AVR assembler | avrasm |
ActionScript | actionscript, as |
AngelScript | angelscript, asc |
Apache | apache, apacheconf |
AppleScript | applescript, osascript |
Arcade | arcade |
AsciiDoc | asciidoc, adoc |
AspectJ | aspectj |
AutoHotkey | autohotkey |
AutoIt | autoit |
Awk | awk, mawk, nawk, gawk |
Bash | bash, sh, zsh |
Basic | basic |
BNF | bnf |
Brainfuck | brainfuck, bf |
C# | csharp, cs |
C | c, h |
C++ | cpp, hpp, cc, hh, c++, h++, cxx, hxx |
C/AL | cal |
Cache Object Script | cos, cls |
CMake | cmake, cmake. in |
Coq | coq |
CSP | csp |
CSS | css |
Cap’n Proto | capnproto, capnp |
Clojure | clojure, clj |
CoffeeScript | coffeescript, coffee, cson, iced |
Crmsh | crmsh, crm, pcmk |
Crystal | crystal, cr |
D | d |
Dart | dart |
Delphi | dpr, dfm, pas, pascal |
Diff | diff, patch |
Django | django, jinja |
DNS Zone file | dns, zone, bind |
Dockerfile | dockerfile, docker |
DOS | dos, bat, cmd |
dsconfig | dsconfig |
DTS (Device Tree) | dts |
Dust | dust, dst |
EBNF | ebnf |
Elixir | elixir |
Elm | elm |
Erlang | erlang, erl |
Excel | excel, xls, xlsx |
F# | fsharp, fs |
FIX | fix |
Fortran | fortran, f90, f95 |
G-Code | gcode, nc |
Gams | gams, gms |
GAUSS | gauss, gss |
Gherkin | gherkin |
Go | go, golang |
Golo | golo, gololang |
Gradle | gradle |
GraphQL | graphql |
Groovy | groovy |
HTML, XML | xml, html, xhtml, rss, atom, xjb, xsd, xsl, plist, svg |
HTTP | http, https |
Haml | haml |
Handlebars | handlebars, hbs, html.hbs, html.handlebars |
Haskell | haskell, hs |
Haxe | haxe, hx |
Hy | hy, hylang |
Ini, TOML | ini, toml |
Inform7 | inform7, i7 |
IRPF90 | irpf90 |
JSON | json |
Java | java, jsp |
JavaScript | javascript, js, jsx |
Julia | julia, julia-repl |
Kotlin | kotlin, kt |
LaTeX | tex |
Leaf | leaf |
Lasso | lasso, ls, lassoscript |
Less | less |
LDIF | ldif |
Lisp | lisp |
LiveCode Server | livecodeserver |
LiveScript | livescript, ls |
Lua | lua |
Makefile | makefile, mk, mak, make |
Markdown | markdown, md, mkdown, mkd |
Mathematica | mathematica, mma, wl |
Matlab | matlab |
Maxima | maxima |
Maya Embedded Language | mel |
Mercury | mercury |
Mizar | mizar |
Mojolicious | mojolicious |
Monkey | monkey |
Moonscript | moonscript, moon |
N1QL | n1ql |
NSIS | nsis |
Nginx | nginx, nginxconf |
Nim | nim, nimrod |
Nix | nix |
OCaml | ocaml, ml |
Objective C | objectivec, mm, objc, obj-c, obj-c++, objective-c++ |
OpenGL Shading Language | glsl |
OpenSCAD | openscad, scad |
Oracle Rules Language | ruleslanguage |
Oxygene | oxygene |
PF | pf, pf.conf |
PHP | php |
Parser3 | parser3 |
Perl | perl, pl, pm |
Plaintext | plaintext, txt, text |
Pony | pony |
PostgreSQL & PL/pgSQL | pgsql, postgres, postgresql |
PowerShell | powershell, ps, ps1 |
Processing | processing |
Prolog | prolog |
Properties | properties |
Protocol Buffers | protobuf |
Puppet | puppet, pp |
Python | python, py, gyp |
Python profiler results | profile |
Python REPL | python-repl, pycon |
Q | k, kdb |
QML | qml |
R | r |
ReasonML | reasonml, re |
RenderMan RIB | rib |
RenderMan RSL | rsl |
Roboconf | graph, instances |
Ruby | ruby, rb, gemspec, podspec, thor, irb |
Rust | rust, rs |
SAS | SAS, sas |
SCSS | scss |
SQL | sql |
STEP Part 21 | p21, step, stp |
Scala | scala |
Scheme | scheme |
Scilab | scilab, sci |
Shell | shell, console |
Smali | smali |
Smalltalk | smalltalk, st |
SML | sml, ml |
Stan | stan, stanfuncs |
Stata | stata |
Stylus | stylus, styl |
SubUnit | subunit |
Swift | swift |
Tcl | tcl, tk |
Test Anything Protocol | tap |
Thrift | thrift |
TP | tp |
Twig | twig, craftcms |
TypeScript | typescript, ts, tsx |
VB.Net | vbnet, vb |
VBScript | vbscript, vbs |
VHDL | vhdl |
Vala | vala |
Verilog | verilog, v |
Vim Script | vim |
X++ | axapta, x++ |
x86 Assembly | x86asm |
XL | xl, tao |
XQuery | xquery, xpath, xq |
YAML | yml, yaml |
Zephir | zephir, zep |