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How to Send Ticket Reminder using Trigger


You can use the Time Trigger to send a reminder email to users. The following are some of the users who can receive the reminder email:

  • Assigned Agent / Specific Agent
  • Assigned Group / Specific Group
  • Creator
  • Requester

Create a time trigger rule

Follow the given steps to create a time trigger rule:

  1. Select the Admin module in the left menu.
  2. Choose the Time Triggers from the Ticket Automation menu.
  3. Click the Add Rule option on the top palette.
  4. Enter the Rule Name and Description on the create rule screen.
  5. Choose any business hours or calendar hours to be considered for the rule.
  6. Select the required fields from the drop-down list to frame a condition for the tickets to which the rule will be applied in AND and OR conditions.
  7. Click the Add new condition option to include a new condition.
  8. Click the Next option and select the Send Email To User/ Send Email To Group action.
  9. Click the Add option to save the rule.

Now, the rule will be created and listed on the listing page. You can change the order of the rule by dragging and dropping.

Create the following condition and action to send the agent a reminder email


Agent remainder Conditon.png


Agent remainder Action.png

Note: Here, the email will be sent to the Assigned Agent when the Resolution due reach 48 hours and the ticket status not in Solved and Closed.

Create the following condition and action to send the requester a reminder email


Requester remainder Conditon.png


Requester remainder Action.png

Note: Here, the email will be sent to the Requester When the ticket status is Waiting for Customer for 48 hours, and ticket visibility is public.

Please read the article mentioned below to find more hourly fields to create a condition and meet the requirements.
Hour-based fields

Please read the article mentioned below to learn more about the Time Trigger.
How to Run a Automation at Scheduled Intervals?

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