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How to Forward Tickets to External Recipients


Agents can forward a ticket or a specific ticket message to any agent, customer, or third-party vendor. When a ticket or message is forwarded, a “Forward” activity will be created under the ticket.

The person to whom it is forwarded will receive an email. Example: Forwarding a ticket to a third-party vendor for asking a quotation in the context of a ticket.

If the forwarded user is a customer or a third-party vendor, they can’t view the forwarded activity in the portal. They can only view conversations via email. If they reply to an email, their comment will be recorded in the activity, similar to a ticket.

You can forward the tickets in two ways:

  • Forwarding the whole ticket.
  • Forwarding a specific reply/note in the ticket.

    Check out this video tutorial to learn more about forwarding tickets.

Forwarding the whole ticket

Follow the steps given to forward a ticket:

  1. Open the Ticket you want to forward.
  2. Click the Forward button displayed above the title of the ticket.
  3. You can see a form popping up, similar to that of creating any other activity.
  4. Fill out the external recipients’ email addresses and any CC email addresses.
  5. Specify the Title and Description of the forward ticket activity.
  6. Select the Messages that you want to share with the external recipient.
  7. By default, the status of the Forward Ticket will be closed. You can change this if needed.
  8. Fields like Assignee, Due Date, and CC are optional.
  9. You can also forward the attachments of the ticket by picking them from the multi-select menu displayed below the Attachments section, or you can manually upload the files while forwarding a ticket.


Forwarding a specific reply

  1. To forward a specific reply in a ticket, you can click the three dots and select the option to forward the specific reply to any recipient.
  2. When forwarding a message, you can choose which attachments to include. The attachments available for forwarding will be listed based on the selected message.

Permission for forwarding a ticket

For accessing the forward ticket feature, an agent should have the Forward ticket permission assigned to his or her role.
Refer to this article to learn more about roles and permissions.


Note: Here are some additional things to keep in mind when forwarding tickets:

  • Any updates or replies from external recipients will not affect the ticket.
  • The external recipients will be created as a contact in BoldDesk if they do not already exist.
  • The contact invitation email will not be sent if a new contact is created.
  • Non-agent users who are included in the forward activity either in the To or CC fields cannot view the forwarded conversation in the portal. They can only view the details through emails.
  • Only agents can see forwarded activity in the agent portal.

Tracking forwarded activities

All the forwarded tickets for the specific ticket will be listed in the Activities tab of the ticket details page.


The Forward Ticket activity, which is actionable, can be tracked globally using the activity module by filtering its type as “Forward”.
This activity can also have an assignee, due date, and status for subsequent tracking purposes.

Viewing forwarded ticket globally

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