Update Public and Private Notes with BoldDesk Rest API + Power Automate
Utilizing Power Automate flow and BoldDesk Rest API, it is possible to update the items listed below.
- Public Reply
- Public Note
- Private Note
- Update Ticket fields
You have the option to select any starting point, in this article, the chosen trigger is Instant Flow.
- Navigate to this page.
- Click on the “Create” and select “Instant cloud flow”. Refer to the screenshot below.
- You are able to input dynamic values when triggering the flow.
- Click on the (+) icon and click on the “Add on action” then perform the search as shown in the screenshot to insert the HTTP request.
- In the HTTP request, update the details as shown in the screenshot below.
Sample Payload and API URL below for posting Public Reply:
URL: https://{yourdomain}.bolddesk.com/api/v1/ticketId/updates
"ticketStatusId": 3,
"cc": [
"replyOnBehalfOfRequester": false,
"dontAppendOnBehalfOfRequesterMessage": false,
"description": "Ticket update has been posted",
"timeSpent": 5,
"messageTags": "tag1",
"updatedByuserIdorEmailId": "requestemail@demo.com",
"skipEmailNotification": false
Use your portal values for the ticketStatusId, updatedByuserIdorEmailId, and cc.
- Then save the flow and test it. Once you saved, the test button will be enabled.
Kindly follow the same procedures for updating Ticket fields, Public and Private notes. The only differences will be in the URL and payload. The API URL and payload are provided below for your reference.
For Public Note
URL: https://{yourdomain}.bolddesk.com/api/v1/tickets/ticketId/notes?isPublicNote=true
"description": "Ticket public note has been posted",
"timeSpent": 5,
"messageTags": "tag1",
"updatedByuserIdorEmailId": "requestemail@demo.com",
"skipEmailNotification": false
For Private Note
URL: https://{yourdomain}.bolddesk.com/api/v1/tickets/ticketId/notes?isPublicNote=false
"description": "Ticket private note has been posted",
"timeSpent": 5,
"messageTags": "tag1",
"updatedByuserIdorEmailId": "requestemail@demo.com",
"skipEmailNotification": false
For Updating Ticket Fields
URL: https://{yourdomain}.bolddesk.com/api/v1/tickets/ticketId/update_fields?skipDependencyValidation=true
"fields": {
"categoryId": 11,
"typeId": 1,
"cf_application_name": "BoldDesk",
"cf_efforts_spent_in_hours": "10",
"cf_gitlab_yes": true,
"cf_incident_type": 75