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Replying to a Ticket


Agents can reply to a customer using the Reply option or the shortcut key “R” on the ticket details page.

Reply Option.png

By clicking Reply, the Text editor appears. You can type a reply and click Update. While replying to a ticket, you can change the status if required.

Text Editor.png

There are various formatting options available in the toolbar.

Formatting options.png

Inserting an image

To insert an image, two options are available:

  1. Directly paste an image in the editor.
  2. Use the Insert Image option in the toolbar.

Insert Image Option.png

Attaching a file

To attach files, drag and drop the files in the file drop area or use the Browse button.

Supported file formats are – .zip, .rar, .7z, .pdf, .xls, .xlsx, .docx
Max cumulative allowed file size – 20 MB. Find more details about the attachment limits; refer to this article: File Attachment Limits and Solutions for Large Files

For attaching files larger than 20 MB, use the external file drives option and include a file link in the text area.

File Attachment.png

Note: An agent must have permission for replying to a ticket through the agent portal. To achieve this, the Reply ticket via agent portal checkbox should be enabled, as shown in the following image.

 Enabling Permission Checkbox.png

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