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Relative Date Time Support in Time Trigger Automation


Relative Date-Time works by using a specified time frame before or after the current time for every execution in time trigger automation.

Relative date-time support condition

In time trigger automation, the following operators are now available for date and date-time type fields in condition settings:
Next: Returns records with a specified time frame after the current time.
Last: Returns records with a specified time frame before the current time.
Execution Date(for date type fields): Returns records corresponding to the current trigger execution date.
Execution Date & Time(for date time type fields): Returns records corresponding to the current trigger execution date & time within 1 hour.

Relative date-time support action

Relative date-time support has been implemented for date and date-time type fields used as actioning items.
For Date Type Fields: When selecting the execution date from the dropdown, the value represents the number of days to be added to the current execution date.
For Date-Time Type Fields: When selecting the execution date & time from the dropdown, the value represents the number of hours to be added to the current execution date-time.

Example 1:

Rule: If the closing date-time property of a ticket is within 1 hour of the current execution time, and the ticket’s status is not solved, the following action is performed:
Action: Update the closing date-time property by adding 24 hours (based on working hours) to the current execution date-time.



Example 2:

Rule: If a ticket’s created date matches the current execution date and the ticket’s priority is high, the following action is performed:
Action: Set the due date to 2 days after the current execution date, based on the business hours defined in the rule.



Example 3:

Rule: If a ticket’s due date-time property value is within the last 5 hours of working hours, and the ticket’s status is solved, the following actions are performed:

  1. Set the closing date-time to the current execution date-time, as the value is set to 0.
  2. Update the ticket’s status to ‘closed’.



Example 4:

Rule: If a ticket’s ‘Hours Since Resolved’ property value is greater than 48 working hours, the following actions are performed:

  1. Update the close date time property value to 48 hours before the current execution time, based on the working hours.
  2. Update the ticket’s status to ‘closed’.



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