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How to Run an Automation When a Ticket Event Occurs?



Event trigger automation performs certain kinds of actions when the specified event occurs. The rule allows you to set up your workflow, which executes an action when certain conditions are satisfied. The rule will run in the order in which it is listed; however, you can reorder the rules.

Event trigger condition

In this event trigger, the following list of fields can be added in “AND” or “OR” conditions.

The condition fields are classified into two types as follows:

  • System fields
  • Custom fields

System fields

It includes the default system fields.

Field Name Description
Subject Title of the ticket.
Description The description of the ticket.
Email Received At Provides the email address of the inbox through which the ticket is created using email in the ticket creation process.
Brand Brands associated with the organization.
Category Specifies the category to which the created ticket belongs.
Status Shows the status of the ticket.
Priority Shows the priority of the ticket.
Type Specifies the type of ticket.
Source Source from which the ticket is created, such as agent portal, customer portal, email, etc.
Assigned Agent Specifies the agent assigned for the particular ticket.
Assigned Group Specifies the group to which the ticket belongs.
Tag Specifies the tag associated with the tickets.
Visibility Denotes the visibility of the ticket, either public or private; private tickets will not be visible in the customer portal.
Creator Specifies the creator of the ticket.
Requester Specifies the requester of the ticket.
Requester Email Represents the requester’s email address.
Contact Group Represents the contact group (Company) of the ticket requester.

Custom fields

It includes the custom fields of ticket, contact, and contact group modules.

Event trigger action

Find the list of actions that can be added to the time trigger automation.

The actions are classified into,

  • Field Update
  • Assignment Action
  • Email Notification
  • Comment Addition

Field update

Event trigger automation updates the following system and custom fields with the respective values chosen in action,

Action Name Description
Set Status Sets the ticket to the specified status.
Set Priority Sets the ticket to the specified status.
Set Type Sets the ticket to the specified type.
Set Category Sets the ticket to the specified category.
Set Subject Sets the ticket subject to the specified content.
Add Tag Adds the specified tags to the ticket.
Remove Tag Removes the specified tags on the ticket.
Add CC Adds the specified ccs to the ticket if it is not present in the matched tickets.
Remove CC Removes the specified ccs to the ticket.
Add Watcher Adds the specified watchers to the ticket.

Assignment action

Event trigger assigns the ticket to either a specified group or an agent.

Action Name Description
Set assignee Assign the matched tickets in the following ways:
  1. Group
  2. Agent
  3. Group and agent belong to it

Email notification

Time trigger sends the notification to the specified user with the provided message.

Action Name Description
Sent Email to User Sends email to the chosen users with the specified subject and message.
Provides placeholders to specify the contents related to the ticket dynamically.
Sent Email to Group Sends email to the chosen group with the specified subject and message.
Provides placeholders to specify the contents related to the ticket dynamically.

Comment addition

Event trigger adds a note with the specified message to the matched tickets.

Action Name Description
Add Private Note Adds a private note to the matched tickets with the specified message.

Event triggers can be further classified as follows,

  • Create ticket triggers
  • Update ticket triggers

Create ticket triggers

The create ticket triggers perform a set of actions on ticket creation if the rule condition matches the ticket.

Some of the use cases are,

  • Add a user to the watchers’ list.
  • Add some tags.
  • Change the ticket priority based on the customer.

Follow the given steps to create an automation rule,

  1. Select the Admin module in the left menu.
  2. Choose Create Ticket Triggers from the Ticket Automation menu.
  3. Click Add Rule on the top palette.
  4. Enter the Rule Name and Description on the create rule screen.
  5. Choose the fields from the list to frame a condition for determining the tickets to which the rule will be applied in AND and OR conditions.
  6. Click Add new condition to include a new condition.

Create Ticket Trigger Condition.png

Note : Here, the Contact Group is applied in the condition.

  1. Click Next and select the actions to be applied to the tickets.

Create Ticket Trigger Action.png

Note : Here, the Priority is set as High. This rule checks the contact group and sets the priority to High.

  1. Click Add to save the rule. On successful rule creation, the success message will be shown and redirected to the listing page. You can change the order of the rule by drag and drop.

Create Ticket Trigger.png

  1. You can edit, deactivate, and delete the rule in the listing.

Deactivate & Delete Trigger.png

Update ticket triggers

The update ticket triggers perform a set of actions on ticket updates if the rule condition matches the ticket. The rule will be executed on the events, such as adding a reply, adding a note, updating a property, and receiving customer feedback.

Some of the use cases are,

  • When the requester and agent reply count exceeds more than n number, change the priority to high.
  • Send notification to the manager when negative feedback is received.

Follow the given steps to create an automation rule,

  1. Select the Admin module in the left menu.
  2. Choose Update Ticket Triggers from the Ticket Automation menu.
  3. Click Add Rule on the top palette.
  4. Enter the Rule Name and Description on the create rule screen.
  5. Choose the fields from the list to frame a condition for determining the tickets to which the rule will be applied in AND and OR conditions.
  6. Click Add new condition to include a new condition.

Update Ticket Trigger Condition.png

Note : Here, the Event Type is set as Customer Feedback Added and the Feedback Category as Negative.

  1. Click Next and select the actions to be applied to the tickets.

Update Ticket Trigger Action.png

Note : Here, a notification action is added to send an email to the Support Manager Group.

  1. Click Add to save the rule. On successful rule creation, the confirmation message will be shown and redirected to the listing page. You can change the order of the rule by drag and drop.

Update Ticket Trigger.png

  1. You can edit, deactivate, and delete the rule on the listing page.

Refer the below video to know more about Create Ticket Workflow Automation,

Refer the below video to know more about Update Ticket Workflow Automation,

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