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Collision Detection: Preventing Inefficiency and Confusion while Replying


Collision detection is a feature that prevents several agents from working on the same ticket, causing inefficiency for the organization and confusion for the customer who receives more than one response to their support ticket.

As a result, it duplicates efforts and reduces agent productivity.

If multiple agents are working on a single ticket, only the initial response will be recorded on the ticket. However, other agents will only receive a notification to prevent them from making additional updates.

This is done to prevent any confusion or multiple updates being sent to the customer.

update_added_after .png

Use of assignee field

When agents are assigned to specific tickets, they will only work on the allotted tickets to avoid multiple agents simultaneously addressing the same ticket.
For more information about auto-assignment, refer to the link below:

How to know a ticket has been assigned to an agent

Grid view


Refer to this link to learn more about customizing ticket grid view columns.

Card view


Tickets details page

In the tickets listing page, click on any ticket to open and view the assignee of the ticket.


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