How to Use Multiple Contact Groups
Multiple contact groups for a contact
Contact groups are a collection of contacts. Multiple contact groups allow contacts to be added to a maximum of 100 various contact groups.
Enabling multiple contact groups for contact
To enable multiple contact groups for a contact, go to Settings > General and enable the checkbox under Multiple Contact Groups.
Multiple contact groups allow contacts to be part of more than one contact group. After enabling the multiple contact groups option, you can add a contact to multiple contact groups up to a maximum of 100 contact groups.
Adding and removing multiple contact groups for a contact
You can add or remove the contact from any contact group based on your needs.
Whenever you add a contact group to a contact that is already mapped to another contact group, the existing tickets requested by the contact will stay unaffected.
When you add contact groups to a contact that is not added to any contact group then the existing tickets requested by the contact will be mapped to the primary contact group of the contact.
Adding contact to multiple contact groups
To add a contact to multiple contact groups, follow the given steps:
- In the Agent Portal, click Contacts on the left panel.
- Select the desired contact to add to the multiple contact groups and choose the Contact Groups tab.
- Click Add Contact Group option and select the required contact groups, and then click Add.
- You can add a contact up to 100 contact groups.
- Every contact must have a primary contact group mapped to it; the tickets created without a contact group will be mapped automatically to the primary contact group.
- For every contact group, the access scope permission for viewing contact group tickets or viewing own tickets can be selected.
Adding multiple contacts to a contact group
To add multiple contacts to a contact group, follow the given steps:
- In the Agent Portal, click Contacts on the left panel.
- Choose Contact Groups and select the desired contact group to which contacts to be added.
- Click Add Contact and choose Existing. The Add Existing Contacts dialog appears.
- Select the contacts and click Add. After adding the required contacts, click Save.
- You can add multiple contacts up to a maximum of 100 contacts to a contact group using the Add Existing Contacts option on the contact group details page.
- The contact’s permission for the contact group can also be changed.
- Maximum of 25K contacts can be added to a contact group.
Removing contacts from multiple contact groups
To remove a contact from multiple contact groups, follow the given steps:
- Navigate to Agent portal and click Contacts.
- Select the contact you need to remove from the multiple contact groups and choose the Contact Groups tab.
- Click the Remove icon for the respective contact groups.
- Contacts can be removed from contact groups using the Remove icon on the contact details page under the Contact Groups tab.
- The tickets mapped to the contact removed from the contact group will be moved to the primary contact group of the ticket.
- On removing the contact from the primary contact group of the contact, the contact group which is mapped first will be considered as a primary contact group.
Removing Contacts from Contact Group
To remove contacts from the contact group, follow the given steps:
- Click Contacts in the Agent Portal and select Contact Groups on the left panel.
- Select the Contact Group from which the contacts to be deleted and choose the Contacts tab.
- Click the Remove icon for the respective contacts.
Note: You can also remove a contact from the contact group on the contact group details page.
Adding contacts to multiple organizations or removing a contact from multiple organizations
You can add/remove contact groups while editing the contact details. The primary contact group of the contact can be switched while updating the contact details.
Primary contact group of the user
The contact group to which the contact is added first will be considered as a primary contact group for the contact.
For the tickets created through email, the contact group will not be specified, the primary contact group will be mapped for those tickets by default.
Switching the primary contact group of the user
You can switch the primary contact group of the contact on the contact details page.
Deleting contact groups
- On deleting the contact groups, the tickets mapped to the contact group will be moved to the primary contact group of the respective contact.
- If the primary contact group of the contact is deleted, the contact group which is first mapped to the contact will be considered the primary contact group and tickets will be migrated to the new contact group.
Disabling multiple contact groups
- On disabling the Multiple contact group feature, all the tickets and contact group data will be maintained in the backend.
- The primary contact group of the contact will only be considered for the contact.
- On re-enabling the Multiple contact group feature, the existing relationship between the contacts and contact groups will be displayed.
Ticket Module
- On enabling the multiple contact group feature, the contact group will be considered as a mandatory field while creating a ticket.
- Contact should choose the contact group to which the ticket needs to be added.
- Later, the ticket’s contact group can be updated to any other contact group to which the ticket’s requester belongs.
Note: One must have Manage Settings permission to enable or disable the Multiple contact group feature.