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Replying to a Ticket in the Mobile App


The following are the details to reply and update the status of tickets in the mobile app.

Updating ticket details

When a ticket is selected from the ticket list page, its details, including all associated sub-features, are displayed. Agents can update their responses, ticket statuses, attachments, work logs, and other relevant information.

Responding to tickets

To reply to a customer’s ticket, follow the given steps:

  1. Click Reply on the ticket details page. A reply form will appear.


  1. Type your response in the reply form to update the ticket.


  1. Click the Format icon to access various formatting options in the toolbar.


AI Assistance

You can chat smarter with AI-powered tools to rephrase, elaborate, shorten, or translate your messages effortlessly.
After composing your response, click the AI-Assistance icon to proceed.


A menu of options will appear. Select the appropriate option to modify the response.


Updating ticket status

After typing your response, click Update. When replying to a ticket, you can change the status if necessary.


Attaching a file

To attach files, use the Attachment icon in the reply form.


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