Articles in this section
Category / Section

Multilanguage Categories and Sections in Knowledge Base


A user can organize the knowledge base articles into categories and sections and manage the order of those categories and sections. These categories and sections can be created and translated in various languages supported by the helpdesk application.

Checkout this video for more details.

Multilanguage category

Categories are the top-level containers of an article in knowledge base. Categories can only be created in primary language.

To learn more about creating, editing, and deleting a category, click here.

Here you will learn about translating a category.

How to translate a category to secondary language?

  1. Click KB module in the left menu.
  2. Click the Language dropdown and then switch to any secondary language you want to translate.

Language List.png

  1. After switching the language, click Manage Articles in KB module in which the categories are listed and then select a category you want to translate.

    The categories in the Manage Articles tab are listed according to the language switched by the user. If a category is not available in a particular secondary language, the primary category content will be shown instead. This can be edited with translated content and called a translated category.

  2. Click the menu on the category and select Edit.

Category Edit Option.png

  1. Upon clicking Edit, an edit category page appears on the right side of the screen, where only the title and description are permitted to be modified. After entering the title and description, click the Update button.

Edit Category.png

It is not possible to delete/move a category exclusively in a particular language . If one category is deleted/moved, the category available in other languages will also be deleted/moved.

Multilanguage section:

In a knowledge base article, sections serve as the next-level containers that come after categories. Sections comprise articles and additional sections within them. In other words, Sections can have up to three-levels of inner sections along with articles. Like Categories, sections can also only be created in the primary language.

To learn more about creating, editing, and deleting a section, click here.

Here you will learn about translating a section.

How to translate a section to secondary language?

  1. Click KB module in the left menu.
  2. Click the Language dropdown and then switch to any secondary language you want to translate.

Language List.png

  1. After switching the language, click Manage Articles in KB module in which the categories and sections are listed and select a section you want to translate.

    The sections in the Manage Articles section are listed according to the language switched by the user. Like categories, if a section is not available in a particular secondary language, the primary section will be shown instead. Later this can be edited with translated content and called a translated section.

  2. Click the menu on the section and select the Edit as shown below.

Section Edit option.png


  • Navigate to Section/Article listing page by selecting a category in Manage Articles.
  • Click the menu and select the Edit.


  1. After clicking Edit, an edit section page appears on the right side of the screen where the title and description can be modified. After entering the title and description, click the Update button.

Edit Section.png

It is not possible to delete/move a section exclusively in a particular language. If one section is deleted/moved, the section available in other languages will also be deleted/moved.

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