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Efficient Navigation: Deep Links and Universal Links in the BoldDesk Mobile App


The BoldDesk mobile application provides deep Android and Universal iOS links, enhancing navigation efficiency.
When ticket links are accessed from any other application, such as an email app, Whatsapp, or Teams, the BoldDesk mobile app will automatically open instead of opening a browser.



  • It is acknowledged that deep or universal links are only functional with default domains that follow the format of
  • Custom domains like, are incompatible with deep or universal links.
  • If an attempt is made to access tickets using a custom URL, the device will redirect to the browser login page instead of opening the ticket in the BoldDesk mobile app.
  • If you are using Workspace/ Work Apps, then you need to install the BoldDesk mobile application to that work space. If you are not able to install it, please contact your administrator.
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