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Ticket Webhook


Use case overview

By creating a webhook, the ticket fields can be sent as payload to an API or an HTTP request-catching application in real-time.

How does it work?

A ticket webhook can be triggered based on the events of the tickets.

Learn more about ticket events captured by webhook

Tickets payload

When creating a webhook, you have the option of sending the tickets’ data in two formats:

  1. Default - Sends the ticket fields in a predefined structure.
  2. Advanced - Allows for customization of the payload structure, which is often framed in JSON format.


Learn more about webhook creation and its features

Available ticket fields for selection

The available ticket fields under the default and advanced options are as follows:

S. No Default fields Properties Placeholders in Advanced option
1. Ticket ID - {{ticket.TicketId}}
2. Subject - {{ticket.Subject}}
3. Description - {{ticket.Description}}
4. Brand ID,
5. Category ID,
6. Priority ID,
7. Type ID,
8. Source ID,
9. Status ID,
10. State ID,
11. Last Private Notes - {{ticket.LastPrivateNotes}}
12. Last Message - {{ticket.LastMessages}}
13. Response Due - {{ticket.ResponseDue}}
14. Resolution Due - {{ticket.ResolutionDue}}
15. Is Visible In Customer Portal - {{ticket.IsVisibleInCustomerPortal}}
16. Tag - {{ticket.Tag}}
17. Additional Notifications - {{ticket.AdditionalNotifications}}
18. Ticket URL - {{ticket.Url}}
19. Customer Portal URL ID,
20. Agent Portal URL - {{ticket.AgentPortalUrl}}
21. Created Time - {{ticket.CreatedOn}}
22. Last Modified Time - {{ticket.LastModifiedOn}}
23. Satisfaction Survey Result Comment,
24. Last Public Notes - {{ticket.LastPublicNotes}}
25. CreatedBy User ID,
Email ID
26. LastModifiedBy User ID,
Email ID
27. Tag String - {{ticket.TagString}}
28. Additional Notifications UserId - {{ticket.AdditionalNotificationsUserId}}
29. Last Messages HTML - {{ticket.LastMessagesHtml}}
30. Last Private Notes HTML - {{ticket.LastPrivateNotesHtml}}
31. Last Public Notes HTML String - {{ticket.LastPublicNotesHtml}}
32. Description Text - {{ticket.DescriptionText}}
33. Last Messages Text String - {{ticket.LastMessagesText}}
34. Last Private Notes Text - {{ticket.LastPrivateNotesText}}
35. Last Public Notes Text - {{ticket.LastPublicNotesText}}
36. Email Received At String - {{ticket.EmailReceivedAt}}
37. External Reference ID - {{ticket.ExternalReferenceId}}
38. Watchers Email ID,
User ID
39. Requester User ID,
Display Name,
Email ID
40. Contact Groups ID,
41. Agent User ID,
Display Name,
Email ID
27. Group ID,

Trigger conditions for ticket webhooks

S. No Condition Operator Value Description
1. Assigned Agent Is
Current User Makes a webhook to capture ticket events from a specified agent.
2. Brand Is
Support Makes a webhook to capture ticket events from a specified brand.


Sample payload

Default option

When all fields are included, the payload sent for the Created event might resemble the example below:

   "eventModule": "Tickets",
   "eventType": "TicketCreated",
   "eventTime": "2024-07-22T07:28:43.9290352Z",
   "orgId": 6396,
   "orgName": "Syncfusion",
   "payload": {
       "watchersUserId": [],
       "watchersEmailId": [],
       "type": {
           "id": null,
           "name": null
       "url": "https://{YourDomain}/agent/tickets/6",
       "ticketId": 6,
       "tagString": "",
       "tag": [],
       "subject": "Hello",
       "status": {
           "id": 2,
           "name": "Open"
       "state": {
           "id": 1,
           "name": "Active"
       "source": {
           "id": 3,
           "name": "Agent Portal"
       "satisfactionSurveyResult": {
           "comment": null,
           "ratingPoint": null,
           "ratingCategory": null
       "responseDue": null,
       "resolutionDue": null,
       "requester": {
           "userId": 1000,
           "displayName": "John A",
           "emailId": ""
       "priority": {
           "id": 2,
           "name": "Normal"
       "lastPublicNotesText": "",
       "lastPublicNotesHtml": "",
       "lastPublicNotes": null,
       "lastPrivateNotesText": "",
       "lastPrivateNotesHtml": "",
       "lastPrivateNotes": null,
       "lastModifiedOn": "2024-07-22T07:27:56.98819Z",
       "lastModifiedBy": {
           "userId": 1000,
           "emailId": ""
       "lastMessagesText": "",
       "lastMessagesHtml": "",
       "lastMessages": null,
       "externalReferenceId": null,
       "emailReceivedAt": null,
       "descriptionText": "Hello\r\n\r\n",
       "description": "<p><span>Hello</span><br></p>",
       "isVisibleInCustomerPortal": true,
       "customerPortalUrl": "https://{YourDomain}",
       "createdOn": "2024-07-22T07:27:56.98819Z",
       "createdBy": {
           "userId": 1000,
           "emailId": ""
       "contactGroup": {
           "id": null,
           "name": null
       "category": {
           "id": null,
           "name": null
       "brand": {
           "id": 1,
           "name": "Syncfusion"
       "agentPortalUrl": "https://{YourDomain}/agent",
       "group": {
           "id": null,
           "name": null
       "agent": {
           "userId": 1000,
           "displayName": "John A",
           "emailId": ""
       "additionalNotificationsUserId": [],
       "additionalNotifications": []

Advanced option

The ‘Custom Payload’ text area under the ‘Advanced’ option lets you input your customized payload and insert the preferred ‘Tickets’ data from the ‘Placeholders’ section.
This section appears when you click Insert Placeholders.


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