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Webhook Payloads, Headers, and Event


Webhook modules and events

A webhook is triggered when an action is performed on a module in the BoldDesk. Each module has a unique set of events.
When creating a webhook, you should select the modules and events.
The modules and events that are supported are listed in the table below.

Modules Events Triggers when
Ticket Created A new ticket is created.
Property Updated Any fields are changed in an existing ticket, or when a ticket is marked as spam, or when a ticket is removed from spam, or when a ticket is deleted softly, or when a ticket is restored.
Reply Created A new reply is created.
Public Note Created A new public note is added.
Private Note Created A new private note is added.
Permanently Deleted A ticket is deleted permanently.
Satisfaction Feedback A feedback is added.
Contact Created A new contact is created.
Updated Any fields are changed in an existing contact or when a contact is blocked or unblocked or when a contact is deleted softly or when a contact is restored.
Permanently Deleted A contact is deleted permanently.
Contact Group Created A new contact group is created.
Updated Any fields are changed in an existing contact group.
Deleted A contact group is deleted.
Work log Created A new work log is created.
Updated Any fields are changed in the existing work log.
Deleted A work log is deleted.
Approval Approval Request Created A new approval request is created in a ticket.
Approval Request Updated The subject or description of an approval request is updated.
Approval Request Completed The approval request is completed either by approval or rejection.
Approval Request Cancelled The request for approval is canceled by the creator.
Approver Added An approver was added to an existing request.
Approver Approved An approver has approved the request.
Approver Rejected An approver has rejected the request.
Approver Cancelled An approver was removed from the request.
Activity Created A new activity is created, or when an activity is cloned, or when a forward activity is created from tickets.
Updated Any field is changed except for watchers and description.
Deleted An activity is deleted.
Note: Only the user who created the activity can delete it.
Comment Created A new comment is added in the activity.

Webhook headers

System and custom headers are sent along with webhook data to the specified webhook endpoints.

Alternatively, when creating a webhook, you have the option to include your custom headers.

System headers

By default, the headers listed below are sent with each webhook request.

Header keys Header values
Host < webhook-endpoint>
AcceptEncoding gzip;q=1.0,deflate;q=0.6,identity;q=0.3
Accept-Charset utf-8, iso-8859-1; q=0.5, *; q=0.1
Content-Type application/json; charset=utf-8
User-Agent BoldDesk
Authorization Basic cUFEU0ZHSEpLSg==
x-signature v7czZPsztnM910sLP5yT6OO+mVEpVktBE5zLdzkZ+rU=
Event-Type < event-name >
Event-Time 05/17/2021 11:30:37

Custom headers

Custom headers are used to send additional information to the destination URL.
Follow the given steps to add a custom header:

  1. Enter the key and value of the header and click Add to add it to the header record.
  2. To remove the header, click the Delete.


Webhook payload

The data from the selected module are sent as a webhook payload.
Ways to send the webhook payload include:

  • Default Payload
  • Advanced Payload

Default Payload

This option automatically sends a default payload template to a webhook, which varies depending on the events.

You can send all of them or only the required data by selecting the following options:

  • Include all fields in the payload (Optional)
    When this option is enabled, all data are sent in the payload.
  • Payload (Required)
    The selected data are sent in the payload.


Advanced Payload

This option allows you to customize and configure a specific payload to a webhook endpoint.


Sample payload

"priorityId": 2,
"requesterEmailId": "",
"brandId": 1,
"isVisibleInCustomerPortal": {{ticket.IsVisibleInCustomerPortal}},
"subject": {{ticket.Subject}},
"description": {{ticket.Description}},
"tag": "created-by-webhook"
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