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How to Setup DKIM for BoldDesk


DKIM (Domain Keys Identified Mail) is an email authentication system that allows the recipient to confirm that an email was sent and approved by the owner of the domain. This is accomplished through the use of a digital signature in the email. This DKIM signature is added to the message as an encrypted header. This will help to improve the email’s security and deliverability.

Check out this video tutorial.

To setup DKIM in BoldDesk, please follow the below steps,

  1. Navigate to Admin > Emails > DKIM Settings.
  2. You will see a list of the domains that you are currently using. Expand the domain for which you want to generate DKIM keys.


  1. Copy these generated keys and go to your DNS provider to complete this process by adding these CNAME records.

List of Domains With Copy Option

  1. Once you’ve added it to your domain records, you can check the above page and click the check status button to see if it’s verified or not.

Check Status Button

  1. Things to keep in mind:

    • Domain records may take up to 72 hours to reflect.
    • You cannot generate DKIM keys for free email domains that you do not own, such as Gmail or Yahoo.
    • If you do not have any custom support emails configured in BoldDesk, no domain will be listed on this page.
    • DKIM is already configured for BoldDesk default support email addresses that end in, so you can’t configure that.
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