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Overview of the Agent Performance Dashboard


The agent performance dashboard is useful in tracking and analyzing the performance of the agents and groups. It presents visualized data based on the ticket and message-based stats, CSAT score, total time spent, and SLA statistics over a determined time period (For example, First Response, Next Response, and Resolution).

Please watch this video tutorial for further information.

The agent performance dashboard can be opened by clicking the Reports module.

Agent Performance Dashboard Overview.png

Ticket widget

The ticket widget provides the following metrics:

Metrics Description
Tickets Created Displays the number of tickets that were created to the selected agent or group during the specified time period.
Tickets Assigned Displays the number of tickets that were assigned to the selected agent or group during the specified time period.
Tickets Resolved Displays the number of tickets that were moved to Solved or Closed status by the selected agent or group during the specified time period.
Tickets Closed Displays the number of tickets that were closed by the selected agent or group during the specified time period.
Tickets Reassigned Displays the number of tickets that were re-assigned from the selected agent or group to another agent or group during the specified time period.

Agent Ticket Stats Widget.png

Activity widget

The activity widget provides the following metrics:

Metrics Description
Activities Created Displays the number of activities created by the selected agent during the specific time period.
Activity Assigned Displays the number of activities which are assigned to the selected agent during the specific time period.
Activities Closed Displays the number of activities which are currently assigned to the selected agent and were closed during the specific time period, regardless of activity creation time.
Comments Added Displays the number of comments added by the selected agent during the specified time period, even if the activity is currently assigned to a different agent.
Activity Reassigned Displays the number of activities that were re-assigned from the selected agent to another agent during the specified time period.


  1. This widget is applicable only for the Enterprise/Business plan.
  2. The count stats and underlying data is shown based on the activity created by the current user or assigned to the current user.
  3. If the current user has “View All Activities” permission, then all the activities data will be considered.
  4. If a Group is selected, then widget data will be based on the agent belong to that group.


Message widget

This widget displays the message stats based on the agent’s response (i.e., The total count of the public replies, notes, unique number of tickets with average first response time, average response time, and average resolution time) updated by the selected agent or group during the specified time period.

Metrics Description
Public Reply Added Displays the number of public comments added by the agent during the specified time period, even if the ticket is currently assigned to a different agent. If a Group is selected, the comments added by the agent belong to that group.
Notes Added Displays the number of public or private notes added by the agent during the specified time period, even if the ticket is currently assigned to a different agent. If a group is selected, the notes added by the agent belong to that group.
Replied Tickets Displays the number of unique tickets to which the agent added public comments within a specified time period, even if the ticket is currently assigned to a different agent. If a group is selected, then the comments added by the agent belong to that group.
Average First Response Time The average time, based on SLA, to provide first response by the agent during the specified time period even if the ticket is currently assigned to a different agent.
Average Response Time The average time taken, based on SLA, to provide next responses by the agent during the specified time period even if the ticket current assignee is different agent.
Average Resolution Time The average time taken, based on SLA, to resolve tickets by the agent during the specified time period even if the ticket current assignee is different agent.

Agent Message Stats Widget.png

FCR widget

The FCR (First Contact Resolution) widget displays the percentage number of tickets solved or closed by the agent with only one agent reply (i.e., public comments) during the specified time period.

Agent FCR Stats Widget.png

SLA achieved widget

This widget displays statistics based on the agent’s responses achieved within SLA (i.e., first response achieved, next response achieved, resolution achieved counts & percentage with their average residual time) during the specified time period.

Agent SLA Achieved Stats Widget.png

SLA breached widget

This widget displays the stats based on the agent’s responses which breached SLA (i.e., first response breached, next response breached, resolution breached counts & percentage with their average violation time) during the specified time period regardless of the SLA due.

Agent SLA Breached Stats Widget.png

CSAT widget

This widget displays the CSAT (Customer Satisfaction) statistics like the number of surveys sent, responses, response rate, percentage CSAT score, and the percentages of positive, neutral, and negative ratings given by customers during the specified time period. These statistics are based on the selected agent’s responses, regardless of the time period in which the agent responded.

Agent CSAT Stats Widget.png

Worklog widget

This widget displays worklog statistics like total time logged, billable time and non-billable time for the selected agent or group based on worklog date during the specified time period, regardless of worklog creation time.

Agent Worklog Stats Widget.png

Consolidated Agent Statistics widget

This widget displays the statistics of individual agents or groups in rows, organized by all selected agents or groups within the specified date range. The statistics are categorized as Tickets, Messages, SLA, Customer Satisfaction, and Worklog, and are shown as tabs.


Selecting time period

You can assess the performance of the agent or group during the specified time period by selecting any of the values. The date range is applicable to all widgets.

Relative dates

The following are the predefined relative date ranges:

  • Today
  • Yesterday
  • This week
  • Last week
  • This month
  • Last month
  • Last 60 days
  • Last 90 days
  • This year

Agent Performance Dashboard Relative Dates Time Period.png

Custom range

You can use the custom date range option to select any date range that does not match the predefined relative date range values. By default, the custom date range of 31 days (including the current date) will be selected.

Agent Performance Dashboard Custom Dates Time Period.png

Applying filters

Filters are useful in visualizing the data in all the widgets based on your need to check the agent or group performance. For example, when you want to check the details based on a category or brand alone during the specified time period.

Using brand filter

Use the Brand dropdown field near Date Range at the top-right corner to filter the results based on the selected brands. By default, brand preferences will be based on your profile settings.

Agent Performance Dashboard Using Brand Filter.png

Using advanced filter

  1. Click the Filters options at the top-right corner to open a filter panel.
  2. Select the required field and click the Apply button to refresh all the widgets, resulting in the chosen conditions.

Agent Performance Dashboard Using Advanced Filter.png

Note: The relationship between the selected fields will be considered as “And” condition when the multiple fields are selected.

Agent Performance Dashboard Using Advanced Filter With Conditions.png

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