Articles in this section
Category / Section

Overview About Knowledge Base Dashboard


The Knowledge Base dashboard is used to monitor and analyze the inflow of articles and their performance. This includes article views, reads, likes, dislikes, and public comments over time.

This KB dashboard provides details about the number of articles created, reviewed, published, and re-published during the selected time. It also provides the articles’ insights based on the grouping of category, section, author, and assignee.

KB dashboard - Multilanguage disabled

KB Dashboard Overview.png

KB dashboard - Multilanguage enabled

KB Dashboard Overview Multilanguage Enabled.png

Selecting the time period

You can check the inflow of the articles based on the chosen time period by selecting any of the following values. The selected date range will apply globally to all widgets.

Relative dates

The following are the predefined relative date ranges:

  • Today
  • Yesterday
  • This week
  • Last week
  • This month
  • Last month
  • Last 60 days
  • Last 90 days
  • This year

KB Dashboard Relative Dates.png

Custom range

You can use the custom date range option to choose any date range not listed in the predefined relative date range values. By default, the custom date range of 31 days (including the current day) will be selected.

KB Dashboard Custom Dates.png

Applying filters

Filters are more useful to visualize the data based on specific criteria in all widgets to check the inflow of articles and their performance. For example, you can check the inflow details based on particular category or brand alone during a specific time period.

Using advanced filter

  1. Click the Filter option at the top-right corner. The filter panel opens.
  2. Select the required condition and click Apply to refresh all the widgets, resulting in the chosen conditions.

KB Advanced Filter.png

Note: The relation between the selected fields will be considered as an “And” condition when multiple fields are selected.

KB Dashboard Advanced Filter Conditions.png

Stats widget

The stats widget provides the following metrics:

Metrics Description
New Articles Displays the number of articles created during the specific time period.
Draft Articles Displays the number of articles currently in the draft status category. The status should have changed to any of the draft status category during the specified time period, regardless of when the article was created.
Review Articles Displays the number of articles that are currently in the review status category. The status should have changed to any of the review status category during the specified time period, regardless of the article creation time.
Published Articles Displays the number of articles published during the specified time period.
Republished Articles Displays the number of articles republished (i.e. Previously published articles will be republished without being marked as Unpublish status) during the specified time period that are already live.

KB Dashboard Stats.png

Articles created widget

This widget displays the count of created articles based on the selected Group by Field in the required chart type during the specific time period.

Supported Group by Fields: Status, Status Category
Supported Chart: Pie Chart, Doughnut Chart, Pyramid Chart, Funnel Chart, and Grid View

KB Dashboard Article Created Widget.png

Articles created comparison widget

This widget displays the count of created articles compared to each item of the selected Group by Field during the specific time period.

Supported Group by Fields: Category, Section
Supported Chart: Bar Chart, Column Chart, Line Chart, and Grid View

KB Dashboard Article Created Comparison Widget.png

Article statistics

This widget displays the comparison between the articles created, published, and re-published with their insights like views, reads, likes, dislikes, and public comments over time, based on the selected Group by Field.

Supported Group by Fields: Category, Section, Article, Author, and Assignee

KB Dashboard Article Statistics Widget.png

Article by status comparison details widget

This widget compares the number of articles for each item by current status created within the specified time frame. It also shows the total article count based on the selected Group by Field during the same period.

Supported Group by Fields: Category, Section, Author, and Assignee

KB Dashboard Article by Status Widget.png

Feedback widget

The feedback stats widget provides the following metrics:

Metrics Description
Total Articles The total number of unique articles that received likes or dislikes during the specified time period, regardless of when the articles were created or published.
Total Likes The number of likes an article received during the specified time period.
Total Dislikes The number of dislikes an article received during the specified time period.

KB Dashboard Feedback Stats Widget.png

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