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How to Manage Roles and Permissions


Roles and permissions give you fine-grained access control over your support agents. These permissions are applicable only in the Agent Portal. Custom roles creation is also supported.

Notes :

  • Permissions are not considered when automation rules are run.
  • Agents need to be assigned to a role having a set of permissions. The permissions cannot be assigned to an agent directly.
  • An agent can be mapped to multiple roles.
  • An agent should have at least one mapped role.

Roles and Permission Page.png

Roles and permissions list page

This page lists both system and custom roles. The roles can be categorized into two types:

  1. System role and
  2. Custom role

System role

A system role is a predefined role that cannot be deleted or edited but can only be cloned. The list of available system roles is as follows,

System Role Description
Account Owner Has access to all the features and settings, including the Billing module.
Support Administrator Has access to all the features except billing-related settings.
Support Manager Has access to features that would help in managing the support activities by support leads or managers.
Agent Has access to features to carry out day-to-day support activities by an agent.

A system role has a tag named “System”.

System Tab.png

Custom roles

If predefined system roles do not suit your organization’s requirements, you can create a custom role and map the required permission to a role. There are options available to create, edit, clone, or delete the custom roles.

Creating a custom role

  1. To create a custom role, go to Admin > Roles and Permissions > Create Role.

Create Role Option.png

  1. Fill in the Role Name and Description (optional). Select the Permissions which need to be assigned to the role and click Create.

Roles and Permission Fields.png

  1. After creating a custom role, click Add Agent and select an agent to be assigned to the created role on the role details page. You can also open the role details page by clicking the role name on the list page.

Add Agent page.png

Editing a custom role

System roles don’t support the edit option, but the custom roles can be edited. The Role Name and Description of permissions of a custom role can be edited using the following steps:

  1. Click the Edit button of the role you want to edit. The role details page opens.

Edit Icon of the Role.png

  1. You can add or remove the role details, permissions, and agents.

Edit Icon of the Permission.png

Deleting a custom role

System roles don’t support the delete option. But the custom roles can be deleted.

To delete a custom role,

  1. Click the Delete button of the role which you want to delete. The delete dialog appears.

Delete Role Option.png

  1. Choose an alternate role to map the agent before deleting the existing role permanently. Fill in the role name and click Yes, Delete.

Yes Delete Role Option.png

Cloning a role

The clone role option is useful if you want to quickly create a copy of any system or custom role to generate a new role. For cloning a role, select the Clone option.

Note : Only the permission settings will be cloned; the agent present in the role cannot be cloned.

Clone a Role Option.png

Adding/Removing an agent from existing roles

For adding or removing an agent from a role, multiple options are available:

  • Using role details page to add/remove agents
  • Using agent profile page to edit agent details

Using roles details page

An agent can be added/removed using the Agents tab on the role details page. This page can be opened by clicking the role name on the role list page.

Remove a Role Option.png

Using agent profile page

While creating a new agent or editing an agent, the add/edit form consists of the roles field. This roles field can also be used to add/remove an agent from a role.

Roles Field.png

Viewing roles and permission assigned to an agent

Often, an admin might check the assigned roles of an agent. For checking, open the agent profile page and check the Access tab.

Access Tab View.png

If an agent is assigned to more than one role, then the permission of both roles will be combined. To view, the combined final permission sets assigned to an agent,

  1. Open the agent profile page.

  2. Navigate to the Permissions section where the final set of combined permissions is listed.

Permission Section.png

  1. Agents can themselves view their assigned role using the Personal Settings profile page.

Note : For accessing groups module, an agent should enable the “Manage roles and permission” checkbox.

Manage Roles and Permission Permission.png

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