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How to Customize or Create a New Agent Availability Status


The agent availability status helps you to know the current availability status of the agents. The BoldDesk allows you to create a custom agent availability status.

The default agent status cannot be deleted, and below is a table of default agent availability status.

Default agent availability status

Status Name Status Category
Online Online
Offline Offline
Away Away


Custom agent availability status

The custom agent status allows administrators to gain comprehensive insight into the utilization of agents’ time during periods of unavailability for customer assistance.

How to create a new agent availability status

To create a custom agent status, go to Admin > Agent Availability Status > Create Status


The following should be considered while creating a new custom agent status:

  1. Status Name – Name of the status that appears in the agent portal.
  2. Status Category – All the default and custom statuses will come under the following three categories,
    • Online
    • Offline
    • Away
  3. Color – This is the color of the status.

Enter the required fields and click the Create button.


Editing an agent availability status

To edit a status, follow the given steps:

  1. Open the Agent Availability Status page.

  2. Select Edit from the More Option to open a dialog.

  3. Make your changes to the status. You can only change the status name and color and not the status category.

  4. Click the Update option to update the changes.



How to reorder an agent availability status

To reorder an agent availability status, follow the given steps:

  1. Open the Agent Availability Status page.

  2. Drag and drop the status to the desired position using the highlighted option as shown:



How to delete an agent availability status

To delete an agent availability status, follow the given steps:

  1. Open the Agent Availability Status page.

  2. Select Delete from the More Options menu to open a dialog.

  3. Before deleting an agent’s availability status, select another status. In the delete dialog, the status dropdown will display all statuses that match the status category of the deleted status.



How to enable/disable the status

By default, a newly created status is enabled, and you cannot be allowed to disable the default status.

To enable/disable the agent status, follow the given steps:

Enable status

To enable status, follow the given steps:

  1. Open the Agent Availability Status page.
  2. Select the enable column checkbox which you want to enable the status.

Disable status

To disable status, follow the given steps:

  1. Open the Agent Availability Status page.
  2. Uncheck the enable column checkbox which you want to disable the status.
  3. Select another status before disabling an agent availability status. In the disable dialog, the status dropdown will display all statuses that match the status category of the disabled status.

Permission for managing the agent availability status

To manage the agent availability status, you should enable the Manage agent availability status permission in the Admin module.


Note: The creating option for custom agent availability status will be available for the Growth and Enterprise plans only.

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