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Agent Availability Status Real Time Monitoring Dashboard


The Agent Availability Status feature of the help desk configuration provides real-time insights into the availability and status of support agents. Key functionalities include:

  • Viewing agents’ current status (online, away, offline)
  • Changing the agent status
  • Exporting the overall agent status into an Excel sheet.

To view agent availability status, go to Admin > Agent Availability Status > Agent Availability


Agent availability stats

This feature provides a quick count of the number of agents who are online, offline, and away.


Status-based filter

This filter enables you to generate a list of agents based on their status, such as online, offline, or away. Additionally, you can refine the list by selecting specific status categories.

For example, if the ‘away’ status includes categories like tea break, lunch break, and permission, you can use the status and status category filters to obtain a list of agents on a lunch break.


Export agent availability status

You have the option to export all agent statuses or filter them based on status and status category before exporting.


To learn more about creating custom statuses, refer to the following link.
How to Customize or Create a New Agent Availability Status

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